Chapter 34

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Bushy's pov

When me and jimin were walking in the living room. We saw Nini and Sara rolling on the floor screaming at each other.

"YOU AREN'T LEAVE YOU LITTLE BISH! I DID ALL THE CLEANING THIS IS UNFAIR." Sara yelled got Nini under her. Smirking thinking she won but Nini flipped them over and she was on top now.

"I CAN'T LEAVE JHOPE ALONE HE NEEDS ME IN TIMES LIKE THIS." and they continue rolling till him come out running in and pulling them apart his face red. I looked at jimin and he nod we ran for it and to his room.

I giggled at this and he laughed we both fall down in his bed and I hugged him with him wrapping his arms around me. We stayed like that for a long time not talking. It was comfortable.

"I think we have to tell your members that Mom said our wedding is in two more months." Jimin finally said. I sighed yeah my mom is actually still going on with the wedding. Jimin was okay with it and he also help picked the color! I wasn't happy about this she is rushing things. I love jimin I really do but being married when we just started dating. But my mom being my mom doesn't understand and the weird thing jimin never talked to her about it seeing she always listen to her.

I cuddled him close not wanting to talk about this, he understood and kissed my head and cuddle me.

Sara's pov

By now jungkook is pulling me away from attacking Nini WHO RAN AWAY! She got away with it! I can't believe it and Jin let her I swear jin favorites her so much.

I glared at jin hard hoping it will burn a hole in his head! While he is walking away leaving me with the devil, Jungkook laughed at that and I elbowed him hard in the stomach. "Shouldn't you be jealous that your girlfriend is with another man." I said smirking that will get Nini back here! Jungkook rubbed his stomach then looked at me smirking.

"Ex girlfriend now nice try." He pushed me forward and into his room. "Now clean! Jin's order." He lay in his bed while I stared cleaning his dirty room. I also thrown up he had smelly clothes and shoes oh god.

"Don't forget to clean the bathroom babe!" He yelled playing games on his computer. I made a puke noise.

"Call me babe again and I will kill your ass oppa." I said smirking. His head snap at me getting mad. I went in the bathroom and pulling my pants up and started my cleaning.

I was done took me hours to finish I was so lazy to even go to my room so I lay in jungkook's bed he didn't mind to busy playing to even notice. I will just rest my eyes for a few minutes. I closed my eyes and darkness to over me.

Nini's POV

The doctor finally told Jhope that he can leave and that was enough to get me and Yoongi to start packing his things. I waited outside for them because Jhope needed to change and Yoongi was helping him.

The girl I saw kissing Jhope was walking to his room now and I stood up straight trying hard not to glare.

She stopped and looked at me smiling! I didn't give one back because I was already annoyed with her. "Is Jhope going home?" She asked sweetly.

"Yes and who are you? What do you want with him?" I crossed my arms and looked at her up and down. She was pretty and tall too. I can see why Jhope kissed her but still! It hurts and I don't like her.

"Oh I'm his nurse jessi also his a old friend of his I didn't know he had a girlfriend." I blushed at that but coughed little. So his his nurse and a old friend that doesn't explain why they kissed and by now I was frowning and glaring at her. Why would she kiss my Jhope!

"Oh that I'm so sorry I use to like him and I thought I still do so I kissed him to see if I did but I don't anymore I'm so sorry. He said that he had someone your Nini right? I'm really happy for you both he deserves the best." I was to shock to say anything to her she bow and left smiling. I was frozen in my spot...Jhope told her about me? Oh My God! I jumped up and down did little dance. Giggling and laughing I know he liked me but to take it to a step to say we are a couple now that's different.

"Why are you dancing like a crazy person?" I turned to see Yoongi looking at me weird while Jhope was smiling.

"That's a very cute Dance Nini." Jhope said I blushed then went to his side and grabbed his arm smiling happily. He looked down at me confused but went along with it.

"Let's go home oppa." I said and we started walking he bow to the people who took care of him and also say his bye to jessi this time I smiled at her.

The ride home was wonderful me and Jhope talked nonstop about everything and anything. I told him about what's going on with my mom and everything. Also that Jin and Namjoon found us and got really mad. Jin giving us punishment that only sara is doing now but I will have to do soon I can't hide forever plus I feel bad for Sara.

When we got home it was dark and quiet when Yoongi opened the lights everyone jumped out. "WELCOME BACK JHOPE!" Jhope looked at them in surprised and had tears in his eyes with a wide smile. They made a welcome party for him which was very cute.

We enjoyed ourselves and the boys may have got little to much to drink. Bushy took jimin who was tripping and falling saying that she's the best wife ever and that he wants a kid.

"Hello there beautiful...what..are...yowu single?" Taetae was fitting with Vin who looked at him annoyed.

"No I'm taken now let's go taetae." He looked at her hurt then started crying saying all the beautiful girls are always taken so that left Vin dragging taetae away.

Sara and jungkook got up and smiled at me. "Good luck with the rest that's your punishment!" She yelled and ran for it jungkook also ran and yelled good luck,I was gonna stop them but it was to late ugh this two!, Jin was sleeping on the floor, namjoon was drinking and then slammed the bottle on the floor after seeing it's empty and not it's very grumpy. Yoongi and Jhope have one arm around each other shoulders singing a song.

I started with jin he was easy to wake up and take to him room. Then namjoon who was talking smart stuff I didn't understand. Last was Yoongi and Jhope who were not hugging saying that I'm taking their friendship away. "DONT LET HER TAKE JHOPE!" Yoongi yelled as I was dragging him Jhope was trying to reach for him but failed and fell face front kicking out. When I got yoongi to his bed and put him on his bed he knocked out right away. I walked back breathing heavily, I tried to pick Jhope up didn't work so I woke him up he did and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled my face close.

"I have a...secret."He said giggling like crazy. "Want to know?" I nod my head wanting to know what this secret is. "Come closer." I did and that when it's happened Jhope kissed me on the lips. HIS LIPS WERE SO SOFT! I didn't kiss back or anything to shocked to do some and that didn't even make him stop he grabbed my waist and pulled me close still kissing me!

All I'm thinking is that JHOPE IS KISSING ME!!

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