chapter 33

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Vin p.o.v

Me and jin were preparing dinner for jhope and the others. Me and jin are the only ones that can cook, the others just ruin everything. We were making jhope's favorite dishes, he wasn't eaten for a long time so he must be starving for homemade meals.

Sara was still under punishment so she was cleaning the dishes while we cook and cleans any mess we make.

"It's still not fair, nini should be here cleaning too, she doesn't need to be at the hospital flirting" she mumbles whining, she was moving like a snail, this girl she needs a beating.

"Hey, just shut up and hurry up, how long are you going to take" I slap her butt hard until she starts moving faster.

"Unniee!!" She gives me a threatened look.

"Wow, I'm so scared" I reply back and continue my work.

Nini p.o.v

I was going back to the dorm to change and take a shower and go back to the hospital. I slowly walk into the building making sure no one sees me mostly jin and Sara. I was about too make it into the room but jungkook caught me.

"Hello, jungkook" I greet him in a whisper so the others won't hear me.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered back.

"I just came to take a bath" I answer, he gives me a small smile and nods leaving.

"Wait, Jungkook, we need to talk" I stop him, we sneak outside and take our space without whispering.

"Jungkook, I feel like I've been treating you so unfairly, I mean I agreed to being your girlfriend but I'm not treating you like a boyfriend" I start off strongly without looking at his face. I'm such a b word, I never do something right in my life.

He nods agreeing with what I said. He doesn't look at me either. I have to let out what's in my heart, and make things clear.

"Jungkook, I think we should break up" I look at his face for his reaction, but he doesn't give any reaction but a small nod.

"Yeah, I think so too" he replies calmly, what the hell is wrong with him. Why is he acting like that, did he already found another person. Even though that's what I want to happen but I still felt hurt. He should at least ask why this jerk.

" I noticed you liked jhope, so I was just waiting for the moment you would break up with me" he gives his sweet smile again and leaves.

I was left speachless and just looking at his shadow until it disappeared. I really can't understand this kid, but now I feel better, it like a heavy rock got removed from my chest. I jumped happily in and got caught by sara.

"You're not going anywhere" she folded her arms and was giving me the evil smirk, oh god help me.

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