Chapter 19

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Sara's pov

We got the song and Dance part done now our music video which all of us are very excited! Nini made this whole choreograph all by herself. We are very proud over her Jhope cried saying his little baby is all grown up now that she doesn't need his help but she slapped his arm saying she always needs her oppa.

We all got dressed in our outfits, I pull my hat down covering my eyes feeling like a bad ass. Our short cut shirts and skinny jeans with heels. I got a slapped to the back by manger noona. " Excited?" I nodded smiling wide finally not doing a girly song because I'm getting enough of Vin, Bushy, and Nini being girly all the time.

We started filming together singing and dancing then we had to do solo, there was a cameraman for our YouTube channel. "Sara say hi to your fans!" He yelled I walked to him and bow. "Hello everyone it's Sara." I placed both hands under my chin smiling. "Right now we are filming and it's Nini turn doing her little solo." He turned to Nini who was singing and dancing with the backgrounds dancers. "Wowwww she's so gooddd. But not as much as me." Vin said and bow saying hello. I laughed and soon it was all of us together again and we ended it there.

It was a very long day of filming and changing outfits, I was ready to hit a warm shower and going to sleep. But my plan didn't go as I wanted. Jhope asked to talk with me..privately. I agreed and went with him to come store we took a seat and I turned to him to see what he wanted to talk about.

"I need you help with something." He said serious which got my attention.

Nini's Pov

Sara went with Jhope oppa saying he wanted to talk with her. I wasn't jealous or anything I knew Sara and Jhope relationship their the totally opposite.. but opposites attract? No no sara likes Namjoon we all know that.. but what if she see how Jhope is really like and likes me instead?! I can't let that happen. NINI YOUR LOSINH YOUR MIND IT SARA she barely can like anyone it's shocking she likes namjoon.

I sighed I need a shower and rest because my mind is all over the place. I got to our room picked cute and comfortable clothes and took our shower. The whole time in the shower I couldn't stop my imagination for going wild, of sara and Jhope being together kissing, hugging, and laughing together it was driving me crazy.

I got out dried my hair put on my clothes and got out. I decided to go and see where they went that when Namjoon meet me half way. "Hey Nini."

"Hello Namjoon oppa taking a walk?" I asked him he nodded smiling and that's why me and Namjoon end up walking together. We talked about how our MV went and that the song him and Yoongi did was great.

When we were walking we got two people we know so talking and laughing together. Just what I was afraid of I knew it! She probably does like him maybe Jhope oppa likes her back! Namjoon told me that we should head back and I nodded I looked at Namjoon to see he is trying to cover up his hurt and sad face.

I was hurt sara knows I like Jhope why would she do something like this to me! I can't believe her right now how could she hurt me like this.

Me and Namjoon got back to bighit to see Bushy and vin sitting down watching tv I went to them while Namjoon went somewhere probably his studio I felt bad for him he is probably hurt because of Sara stupid actions. I took a sit in the middle of Vin and bushy who were to busy watching this drama to notice me. Few more hours and Sara come by and I didn't let what happened go and I shouldn't have said anything but I did. "How's your date with Jhope? You were throwing yourself at him basically." I said her head snapped to me. Vin and bushy gasped at my words I never ever talk to sara like that or anyone but I don't know what come over me. She got up slowly with that face like she's ready to beat someone and that's when I was scared for my life.

"What the hell did you say to me? I wasn't throwing myself at anyone if anything that's your job." She spit back okay I deserve that but did I stay quiet no I was hurt and mad at her and I wanted it all out on her.

"Oh please me and Namjoon saw you I guess your just jealous that you don't have a boyfriend so your desperate to got one. Poor Jhope oppa." That's all it took for sara to attack me and I mean she jumped on me ready to punch me when Vin being the strongest pulled her off me she was threatening me and saying I better watch my back because she will rip my face off which scared me because she said it all serious. Bushy helped me up and pulled me all the way to our room away from Vin and Sara. She locked the room knowing sara will come and try to hit me.

Bushy turned to me looking very anger at me her whole face was red. "What is wrong with you? Why would you say such things to sara?!" She yelled I looked down I didn't have a answer and even if I answer gonna sounded stupid. 'Oh because I saw her and Jhope oppa laughing and talking so my jealousy got the best of me?' When I have a framing boyfriend? Not a good answer.

Vin and Sara unnie didn't come to our room that night and I felt more guilty.

The next morning only Vin unnie was at breakfast and Sara unnie was no where to be seen which had me little worried yeah I got jealous and mad but she still my best friend and I need to make it up to her. Jhope looked around "where's Sara? She supposed to help me with something." He said I felt guilty and mad at the same time. Bushy and Vin unnie both glared at me which never happens and looked at Jhope. "She went home, she wasn't feeling so great." Vin unnie said the. Started eating her breakfast angrily like stabbing her eggs.

I eat my breakfast quietly not saying anything eve when jungkook come said good morning and give me a kiss on my forehead.

How am I gonna make it up to unnie if she isn't here? Oh god help me.

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