chapter 27

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Sara p.o.v

Everything is a mess right now. The fans are going crazy about the scandal about Nini's Mom being a killer. And Army's are also going crazy about jhope being in the hospital. Bts seniors and us stopped our promotions until we can settle everything back to the way it is.

Nini was packing some clothes, her face right now can scare all the ghosts away.

"Are you going to the hospital again" lying down in the bed.

"Yeah" she answered and headed to the door.

I stopped her before going out and made her look at the mirror.

"What if jhope wakes up today and sees this face. He will faint and never wake up ever again. Why don't you put some make up on and cheer up" I try to convince her. She let of a loud sigh and nodded her head.

I smiled at her and left leaving her by herself. I feel bad for her honestly, she keeps on blaming herself for what happened to jhope, even though it was her fault, she can't do anything about it.

I make my way to the practice room and spot namjoon, he's always here so I wasn't suprised.

"Hey, cutie" he greeted with a winked.

"Don't let me throw up" I punch his arm, even though it made my heart skip a beat.

"What are you doing?" I ask out of curiosity. A white paper was in his lap .

Nothing he tried to hide it without me knowing, but I caught it before he could get it.

"Don't open it!!" He yelled while I ran away with it. I opened it has fast as I could before he catches me. It was the poem from last time. He snatched it from my hand giving me a death stare.

"You still have it, didn't you give it to it'd owner yet" remembering it makes my heart ache. Who is it to, and does he really love her.

"It's none of your business" he left the room slamming the door. He can chill, why is he so mad.

I didn't give up and kept on following him. " Should I hand it to her if you can't" I kept on hitting his nerves, and turned back still mad, I was waiting for a hit or a scream. But instead he softly said " you are really slow and such an idiot" and walked away. What does he mean by that.

"Hey! Kim namjoon!! I'm not an idiot" I scream back at him. Yoongi passes by and gives me a big slap in the arm.

"Don't scream!!" He screams back annoyed. Such an old cranky grandpa.

"I'm not screaming!!" I scream back and run for my life, before anything happens.

Nini's p.o.v

I enter the room, and jhope was still the same way I say the first day here. Everytime I see him, my heart breaks. If only I didn't do something so stupid. I sat by him and checked on the flowers, they were already dying. How long do I have to keep on replacing them.

I moved my hand slowly around his hair and stroked it back.
"Please wake up, there's still so much things I have to tell you" the tears were trailing down my cheeks, I wiped them fast and got up to change the flowers. This time I put white roses, this kind of flowers are my favorite. They hold special meanings and deep symbolism.

I got a call from big sis, I first hesitated because of the fight we last had but then just answered

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I got a call from big sis, I first hesitated because of the fight we last had but then just answered.

"What do you want?" I blurt out before she says anything.

"Mom needs our help" she quietly answers. I'm already trying to help why does she have to repeat it.

"Even though she's not our real mom, she's still the one that took care of us and made us who we are today" she continues, I didn't really considered her my real mom but I had huge respect for her, just because she didn't throw us in the streets after my mom died and dad married her. But I still resent her, she took my mom's spot like it was nothing. And made my dad hate me and my older sister until he almost wanted to kick us out. She tired to act sweet to us and all and act like a real mom after that but my heart wouldn't fully open up to her.

"I'm already trying" I answer back and hang up.

I hold my head tightly trying to stop the headache. " oppa, I need you by my side now, I can't deal with this anymore, please wake up" I collapse down by the bed and hold his cold hands tightly.

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