Chapter Three

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Sara's pov

We were performing in mcountdown stage. We were nervous but we did our best with the fans cheering and singing along slowly our nervousness went away and we danced, sing and rap easily. After we were done we walked behind stage. We all looked at each other and started screaming jumping up and down hugging.

"I can't believe it." Vin Unnie said in tears we all hugged her and I couldn't help my own tears as they fall.
We worked very hard for this and it's finally happening our dreams are coming true. Which means we didn't leave our home and family behind for nothing and that we won't go back with failure but success. I hope my mom are gonna watch it and see how far I have came.
My mom didn't improve of me becoming a rapper or have anything to do with music she wanted me to become a doctor but I fought my way out of that which lead with me leaving home to come here and continue my dreams. She would call from time to time her crying saying I'm throwing my life away like that. Which wasn't true I was training and working hard on the thing I love most which was music.

My story is the same as the girls expect that Nini family still haven't talked with her and that's little sad but her older sister always calls and check on her. Which is good at least she has one family member with her. But by us girls coming together we become a family of our own. The family that's loves music and won't stop your dreams thinking you will fail but help you with it.

We got back to bighit and we are very tried who knew dancing and singing can suck the energy out of you. When we got there we all ran out to get to the small couch in the dance room. We ran pass our seniors who looked at us confused when we got there Yoongi oppa was already sleeping on it.

"Of course we should have seen this coming!" I yelled glaring at a sleeping Yoongi. I walked to where my bag was pulled out a blanket and lay down cover myself and then called Vin Unnie over made her sit and lay my head down on her lap. She rolled her eyes at me and flick my forehead. I rubbed it damn she's just like Yoongi! But I didn't move my head and she didn't mind. Nini ran and jumped on me I groan in pain.

"Leave Nini you aren't welcomed here." I said she slapped my arm and rolled going under the covers. Bushy Unnie shook her head at us and turned to speak with the BTS members about what happened and how it went which they congratulation us for.

Yoongi woke up from all of us loud talking and he cuss at us too along with it. Yoongi sit up looking at me then namjoon. "Let's go you two have a lot of cleaning to do." He said getting up I sighed annoyed but got up and Nini took the the blanket for herself. Namjoon followed us. Yoongi was punishing us for fighting yesterday over some lyrics that ended with us throw papers at each other along with coffee. So Yoongi thought it was a good punishment to make us clean the room up. On our way there Namjoon and I where pushing each other behind Yoongi's back. Till I trapped and nearly hit the ground if it won't for Yoongi that catch me in time. He glared at us then opened the Studio door and we walked in to see the mess still there papers everywhere, even coffee on the walls.

"You two better make this place spotless or else I will have you clean Jimin's room and you know how he is." He threat us and left.

I started grabbing a trash can picking up the papers and throwing them in but not before reading them. Namjoon also started wiping the walls and desk. I was surprised he didn't sit back and let me do it like he always do.

We finished cleaning and sit down my back is killing me from all the bending down to collect papers. Then I saw another paper I picked it up ready to throw it but I stopped when I saw it was some what a poem.

' I knew the day we met
That we were meant to be
I knew our fate was set
That you were the one for me

I didn't even know you
I only knew your name
I wasn't sure what to do
I didn't know who to blame

I knew I thought you attractive
I could tell that you were nice
That butterflies were active
That I couldn't think twice

Everything I did that day
Didn't show you who I am
Every time you came my way
My heart began to ram

My actions weren't natural
My reactions weren't real
I felt so very terrible
But my heart I did not wield

And when the group said goodbye to me
My eyes were fixed on you
I knew I was trying to see
If you felt the same way too

I liked you when I saw your face
But maybe it was the touch
My heart had begun to race
I already liked you to much

I knew the day we met
That we were meant to be
I knew our fate was set
As friends, as lovers, as enemies'
To: S..

I couldn't read who it was to because the name had coffee spilled on it but this poem was beautiful it had me in awe. I didn't know namjoon was this good at poems. Soon the paper was take out of my hand and an anger namjoon was holding it. "What do you think you doing?" I rolled my eyes and got up. "Reading I thought you were smart." I said back at him I don't know why he is getting mad about. He just turned and fold the paper and put it in his packet. curiosity got the best of me.

"Who is that poem for?" I found myself asking I didn't know why I cared or why I just asked but I just wanted to know who he wrote it for and how long he liked his girl for. He turned and looked at me confused. I knew its stupid question and that I shouldn't get into his business but I couldn't help myself he wrote a beautiful poem to someone which probably doesn't even know he wrote it to her.

"No one."

"Liar I saw the To."

"Okay and? What are you jealous that it's not for you?" He said smirking now I rolled my eyes crossing my arms over my chest annoyed why won't he just tell me who it is!

"As if I will be jealous I just feel bad for her that she has someone like you to like her!" I don't know why I'm getting anger at this it shouldn't mean anything to me he can like or write poems to whoever he wants but I was angry and annoyed by him. He looked hurt but soon it was anger. And we started our fight once again that end up with me in tears this time.

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