chapter 31

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Nini's p.o.v

"Do you know how much times we called, we really thought something happened or you did something stupid, how can you ignore us, huh" jin began nagging.

"I was about to answer right now" Sara unnie began defending herself. Namjoon was just watching them silently. I waiting until their conversation heats up more and make a run for it. Listening to jin omma nagging is really annoying. 

"Why are you over reacting, we were just trying to investigate on something! " jin was now giving her the death glare.

"Are you working with the police and I don't know!" he yelled back, before he even finishes his sentence I run down the alley.

"Hey!!!Nini!!" I ignore them and keeping on running, before I know it sara unnie was right by me.

"You traitor!" She says while trying to catch up. We stopped to make a turn but namjoon oppa was right in front of us.

"Omg, how did you got here!!" Sara unnie blurt out, we froze and tried to act like nothing happened.

Jin was breathing hard still running down, We are so dead.

" both of you guys are going to have a great punishment" and walks up to us and holds our ears.

"1 for trying to act like sherlock and 2 for thinking you guys can run away" and pulls us with him.

"Ouch, fine, fine we are sorry" I yell out trying to free from his grip

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"Ouch, fine, fine we are sorry" I yell out trying to free from his grip. He let go after we screamed our lives out. I pretended I was crying, saying they never treat as a maknae and always abusing me. While sara unnie let her anger out on namjoon, saying it was his fault for stopping us.

Our voices were so loud that I bet you the whole neighborhood heard us. Thank God this is a unknown neighborhood or the fans would be killed us.

We took a taxi and we're headed back home. But I had to go to the hospital, jin would never let me out, so I have to use some agyeo. I prepare myself, trying to think of a cute convincable way to say it.

Me, Sara, and namjoon were in the back. I sat between sara and namjoon because they would kill eachother if they sat next to each other now. Jin omma was in the front seat.

Sara unnie already sensed what I was about to do and just rolled her eyes. "Just don't let me throw up" she whispered to me. I punish her arm and move closer so I can see jin.

"Omma, can I pleaseeeeee go the hospital, jhopie must be so lonely by himself, agioo bong bong" I flick my eyes and send a flying kiss to him.

"Nini" his tone was a angry serious tone.

"Never, never, never do agyeo ever again all the food I ate is about to come out" he turned and gave me a blank expression. I make a loud sigh and return to my spot, sara was giggling and namjoon just gave me a disgusted look. But this was the agyeo that jhope oppa taught me. He said I was cute. They're so mean, these devils.

"But, jin oppa I really have to go" I kept on pleading him.

"Fine, but your punishment would double" he finally agreed, I nodded really fast with a big smile. The taxi stopped and let me out. I gave jin a kiss on the cheek really fast and fled.

"It's not fair!!" I can hear Sara whining. I giggle at her and made my way to the hospital.

I bought a coffee on the way, to make me wake up. The video we saw was still playing in my mind, I was really suprised that mom would actually do such a thing. She really was a murder, it was honestly hard to believe. I mean she wasn't an angel but she wasn't a devil either. How can I face her again, I don't think I would be able too. Without even knowing I was right by the door to jhope's room. Before I entered I saw some girl talking to jhope on the window of the door. JHOPE he's awake, I couldn't believe my eyes, is it really Jhope. The coffee that was in my hands slipped out, and tears just rolled down my cheeks like a storm. I was just frozen, too scared to enter.

His face was so pale, and his face was so serious, I felt so much guilt, what have I done to my precious angel. I was about to enter but that girl did something that made me turn into stone. She kissed him in the lips and creased his neck. And jhope was just standing still. Letting her do whatever she wants. The excitement and anger was now mixed, I kept on shaking my head and closing my eyes trying not to believe what I saw. I turn away and run outside.


Sara p.o.v

This is totally unfair how can Nini get out while I can't. Jin toke me to the practice room and ordered me to clean it and never leave it until he tells me too. And above that he leaves namjoon to spy on me.

" Do you guys know how much trouble you guys are causing yourselfs. What if something bad happened to you guys, in that scary place. How do you know that you can trust anyone, mostly from that PLACE, sara I thought you knew better than that" I just silently nod and kept my mouth shut because I know if I talk I would end up in bigger trouble. So I just listened and nodded quietly.

He finally left closing the door behind him. I sigh loudly and grab the broom, namjoon was just standing and looking at me with a deep gaze.

"What are you looking at?" I give him a mad face trying to scare him off, but he was still staring with his deep gaze. It was killing me, it was like he was staring at my soul. I walk up to him and was about to give him a good punch so he can fix his stare, but he grabbed my arm before I hit my target.

"What do you think are you doing" I tired to free myself but he was holding my arm so tightly that it began to hurt.

"I'm doing what I want, can't I do want I want, I've been holding myself for too long" his voice was so deep and calm, honestly it melted me.

"What do yo...u mean" I tried to sound not effected but failed when I stuttered. I tried to move my hand again but he just grabbed me hard until I hit his chest. He let out an evil smirk and softly whispered " why are you so blind" his voice sounded like he was hurt in the end. My heart was beating so hard and by now my cheeks must be bright red. What does he mean.

Our faces were only a few centimeters away, I could feel his warm breath, and he was still staring me with his deep gaze that was driving me crazy. I was frozen, I couldn't even move or make any sound. His face was getting nearer, I seriously felt like dying, I wanted to run away.

"Guys, jhope is awake!!!" Jungkook came in screaming, me and namjoon were now miles away, we got so  flastered and pretended we were doing nothing.

"What the hell were you guys doing" Jungkook gave us a disgusted look and walked out.

"Hey!!, don't think wrong" I ran after him, the main purpose I ran away was because I didn't wanted to face namjoon now. I was still shaking and my whole body was red.

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