chapter 36

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Bushy p.o.v

We played the game as the last segment of the show, and obviously we lost. In the end we danced our song and the show ended. When we got back to our dorm, we were dead but we had so much.

We took turns taking a shower, we go by age so the first one is vin unnie, Nini already knocked out knowing by the time it's her turn it would be after couple of hours.

I finally got to take a shower, after I did I went out to eat something and on the way I say jimin.

"I was waiting for you" he announced and hugged me from the back.

"We need to talk about our marriage" he continued, I really didn't wanted to talk about it, it makes me feel uncomfortable. I know his fans won't be happy about marriage, I mean if it's just dating okay but marriage that's in a whole new level.

"Jimina, are you sure about this" he turned to him and looked at him in the eyes.

"Of course bebe" he nodded and patted my head.

"Don't worry about anything, everything will go all right, just believe me" he winked and hugged me with a comfort.

I really don't deserve such a person, how can he be so perfect. My mom is insisting on making the wedding as soon as possible. I don't understand why she's doing that, she thinks he would fly away from me, if I don't marry him now. She's driving me carzy. And jimin is going with it.

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