Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

Nini's pov

The next morning we all got together in the kitchen for breakfast. I was still upset about Jhope and didn't eat as much and he didn't even came to eat today. Even though I'm upset and anger with him I still care and if he doesn't eat he will probably get sick. Jungkook was sitting next to me talking about God knows what I wasn't paying attention. I looked around Vin unnie was talking with taetae as usually and busy unnie with jimin he was blushing while she talked to him about something. Jimin always blush whenever he talks with her which is very cute. Oh sara unnie and Namjoon oppa are talking? Wait what?! Am I seeing things right? I rubbed my eyes little and looked yep not dreaming sara unnie and Namjoon are talking also smiling! This the world gonna end?

"They been like that for the past week. It's always quiet before the storm." Yoongi who was next to me said. I nodded looking at those two. Did Jhope and I switch with Namjoon and Sara. Instead of them fighting we are. Speaking of the angel (because Jhope isn't a devil.) he walked in sara and Namjoon got quiet looking at him sara glaring at him while Namjoon nod at him. He nod back and walked to me. I looked at him then down.

"Nini I'm so sorry for yelling at you over a stupid mistake. I was in a bad mood and I shouldn't take it out on you. I'm very sorry I couldn't sleep last night because of how much I hurt you. Please forgive me." Jhope said I looked up at him and he does look like a mess and his eyes have dark circles under them and he really did look sorry. I stood up and nodded smiling. "I forgive you oppa." I said He smiled and pulled me in a tight hug I was shocked from the sudden hug but I hugged him back blushing like crazy.

"See you didn't have to beat him up." Namjoon oppa said to Sara she rolled her eyes and smiled. Everyone was also happy expected one golden boy. He looked upset and jealous? He got up and walked to us giving us a small smile.

"Since we are all in a happy mood-"

"Hope you don't ruin it." Yoongi said back looking at him. Jungkook rolled his eyes at that.

"No I'm not gonna ruin it." He looked at me and I was confused and little worried. "Nini I been wanting to ask you this for a long time but now is the perfect moment would you go on a date with me?" He asked I looked at him shocked...he didn't? Oh God He did..

Everyone went quiet looking at us now I felt so uncomfortable I didn't want this and infront of Jhope too oh God I don't want to say no and hurt jungkook and I also didn't want to say yes and ruin my chances with Jhope if i had any. I didn't know what to do or what to say.

"You should give jungkook a shot Nini he have liked you for a long time." Jhope said I looked at him and he give me a small smile. I looked back at jungkook and nod my head.

"Yes..I will go out with you." My unnies looked at me like 'what the heck are u saying?' And honestly I don't even know myself. Jungkook smiled wide and hugged me which was a lot different from Jhope warm hugs. I awkwardly hugged back.

When we walked back to our room sara pushed me inside the room and unnies behind her don't they look happy. Here comes Vin talking nonstop, bushy saying big words that I don't understand and Sara cussing my life out.

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