chapter 20

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Nini p.o.v

Everything was so awkward, I couldn't even say anything I felt so guilty. I already miss unnie, I just want to go and aplogize to her. But today is our comeback stage at mcountdown. We were all getting ready. Bushy and Vin unnie weren't talking to me, making me feel even worser. We all rode in the car, but it was only us, sara unnie still didn't came.

" Manger noona, where's sara unnie it's our comeback stage, she should he here" I ask in a soft voice, still feeling bad.

"She can't make it today, if fans ask about her or anything just say she's sick and can't perform today" the Manger replied and drove off.

This can't happen. We've all been excited about this comeback and not wanting to miss any promotions. Is she really that mad, what have I done. This is really bad.

The unnies didn't say anything which is more scarier.

When we arrived our fans were waiting by mcountdown holding cameras and yelling our names.

I walked up awkwardly and we stood together and bowed and saying our greetings.

"123 hello we are SOSamida" and quickly walked into the building. The fans were still screaming and taking pictures. We even forgot to wave to them, it really felt empty without unnie.

We went straight to reharsel and took about 5 shots this time. The stage felt empty without her and since she was the center this time the performance didn't look complete. Vin unnie and I took sara parts. The fans welcomed us and encouraged us. Some fans kept on asking about Sara unnie. I didn't wanted to answer but the other unnies weren't saying anything.

Sorry guys, but today sara unnie was really sick so she couldn't come, sorry next time we'll give a better performance. We bowed and went to our waiting room.

The atmosphere was still awkward.
"Unnies please say something, why are you guys all on me, it was out of anger I didn't mean anything" I tried to defend myself but it was no use. I ran out of the room and went to the bathroom. I couldn't hold my tears, I wanted to cry loudly but it wasn't the right place, I shouldn't have acted that way to her, I'm so sorry unnie. I finished crying and washed my face with my makeup, my stylist would kill me, but I didn't care.

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