Chapter 37

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Sara's pov

We all took our showers and now we were all gathered in the living room. Jimin and Bushy wanted to tell us something important. They weren't here yet and we were getting nervous.

"I bet jimin knocked Bushy and now we have a three week pregnant girl." Yoongi said laying on the couch we all turned to him with wide eyes. I coughed and praying that's not what they are gonna announce.

They walked in hand in hand smiling lovely and so in love. Sometime and I mean sometime I get jealous come on their relationship it's so cute and I just want one like that! I turned to look at Namjoon who was looking at Bushy and jimin waiting for them to say something then his head turn and I turned my head back so he won't catch me staring. And a there was a crack noise on my neck.

Nini looked at me "are you okay?"

I shook my head no and hold my neck groaning in pain. "Okay not so smart of me huh?" Nini also hold my neck to see what's happened. Vin and Bushy freaked out and everyone just crowed me. Jin moves everyone out the way and told them to give me space he come with olive oil in his hand and place it on my neck started message it. Which felt little better.

"You two can go on." Jin said whilevmessaging my neck he would go hard time to time and I would move. And he would say to stop moving. We eventually stared fighting then Namjoon pushed him aside and pulled me and does it for me I stayed quiet trying to control my blushing face.

" what we wanted to tell you is-" jimin started looking at bushy she nodded smiling.

"We are getting married!" They said happily together, all our mouthed dropped. I didn't know what to say honestly they didn't date for that long... Jin got up and congratulations them and we soon saying congratulations. Jin was like he wanted to bake a cake and celebrate.

"Better?" Namjoon said I nodded and he move his hand and smiled at me. I give him a small smile and got up. I was probably still blushing and I walked over to the girls who were smirking at me.

I come close to Nini and slapped her arm hard. "Ow unnie! Why you always hitting me." She said rubbing her arm, I didn't know I just shy and all so I hit her she's a easy target.

We made jimin and Bushy a party and had a lot of fun. We cried and told funny stories about them. It was a beautiful and great day.


Been a few weeks now and the boys are going on a world tour tomorrow, Jimin, Jhope, and taetae took the girls on dates as much as they can. And they would hug them and say that's they will miss them so much.

At that point I would let them be and walked out smiling I was really happy for the girls. And I wanted nothing more than them smiling and feeling loved.

"Just go already namjoon! And tell her how you feel!" Yoongi was yelling at Namjoon, how he feels? Is it that girl that Namjoon likes? I felt a tag at my heart and it hurts a lot knowing Namjoon likes someone.

Namjoon nodded then me and him meet face to face. "Just the person I wanted to talk to." He said I looked at him confused wasn't he gonna confess to the girl? He didn't chicken out did he? I was hoping he did but also not because he seem like he really love this girl so much.

We were now outside and sitting down infront the house. He didn't say anything and it was killing me so much.

"Remember that's letter you saw?" He asked I nodded my head oh no is he gonna ask me what I think he should do? Or to help him? Because I can't do that. "Well you wanted to know who it's was for and we got into a stupid fight over it too and you even cried I never wanted to hurt you like that sara." He said

"I know I'm sorry for getting into your business I just wanted to know who was the girl who makes you happy and alway gets you smiling." I don't even know what I'm saying words are just coming out my mouth and I can't stop them.

He smiled "You." What? I looked at him confused not understanding him at all. "You always get me to smile and make me feel happy. I know I don't show it much but you really do I guess I liked you from the start but was to scared to show it. I tried to be mean so I won't like you but didn't turn out great and I was just hurting you." My heart was beating so hard I couldn't even believe what he was saying. I didn't know what to do cry? Smile? Hit him? I just stared at him.


"I know you probably don't feel the same way but it's worth a shot right? So Sara I really love you and this letter was meant for you so I hope you accept it." He pulled the paper out and give it to me and now I see the end where it has my name with namjoon's handwriting.

I hold it in my hands and started crying I was happy that it wasn't a one side and that I'm the girl who makes Namjoon happy. I looked up at him smiling and then hugged him. He was shocked at first but soon hugged me back tight.

"I like you too kim Namjoon so much" I said softly hiding my face on his shoulder he sighed out happily and we stayed like that for the whole night. Just hugging and That's it took for me to smile and be happy.

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