Chapter 26

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Sara's POV

After Nini was all fine now, Jhope was still in the hospital unconscious and he isn't doing any better but now we have another problem in our hands which is Nini's Mom being in here.

Nini and her older sister had a fight a big one at that in the hospital we had to take her older sister out of the room. Nini also said she wanted to see her mother which we said yes to but she had to take someone with her and the other girls didn't want to go. The boys also didn't want to be seen going inside a prison Nini got upset that no one wanted to go but me being her best friend also leader I went with her because she needs me in times like this. Also I didn't mind I just wanted her to see her mom and maybe talk.

We were in a room where other prisoners we're talking with their family or lovers, we sit down at a table looking around I was already wasn't scared but Nini looked pale and scared. I rubbed her back and give her a smile which she returned with a small one. She's probably nervous because it's her first time seeing her mother when she started training.

A small women come out the room walking to us I got up and bow also Nini. Her and Nini hugged and cried for a good few minutes, then they sit down and talked about how Nini is doing and everything. I answered when she ask if Nini was eating okay and that she is sleeping and being healthy. Then it's got to the real stuff why she's really here.

"Mom what happened? Did you really kill the old man?" Nini asked a crack in her voice holding back her tears.

Her mother slammed her hands on the table hard Nini and I jumped back scared, the cops were looking at her alarmed thinking she was gonna attack us but still stay far away.

"I didn't kill that old man! Their blaming me for something I didn't do and Nini you know I would never hurt anyone." She said looking at Nini sad and hurt I didn't really buy it but I think Nini did, Nini reached and hold her moms hand. Nodding "of course I believe you mother I will try my best to get you out of here. Sara unnie will also help me!" She said looking at me her mom has hopes in her eyes now and she hold my hands. Nini gonna get her ass beat later I didn't agree with this.

"Thank you so much both of you please find out the truth!" She said then a bell ring saying it's times up and that we have to leave. Nini and her mom said their goodbyes, then she was taking away by the cops.

We left after that and right when we were close to my car I turned and slapped her arm hard. "What were you thinking?! I don't remember being Sherlock and looking for clues for your mother crime that she "didn't" do."

"Unnie please you have to help me I only trust you right now! I need to found out the truth and send my mom free we both know she is innocent!" She said looking at me ready to cry. I sighed I can't just leave her like that and she knows that too I got in the car and she did too.

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