Chapter Two

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Nini's pov

We arrived at the restaurant and celebrated our long awaited debut. It still feels unreal. I still remember those long nights of endless practice. Jhope use to help me with dance a lot since It was my position in the group to be the dancing machine. I'm really grateful to him.

Everyone was filling their stomachs and throwing jokes around. But my focus was on jhope, I still didn't have the chance to thank him and give him the present that I prepared for him. I promised him, once I debut I would get him a gift.

The crew were getting louder Sara unnie was fighting with jungkook about how rude he is to her when he's younger then her. She kept calling him oppa making him mad and he throw stuff at her back. Those two are like cat and dog, honestly with Sara unnie, everyone just loves to fight and joke with her. I think it's because she responds well to their mischievous actions. Vin unnie was about to knock out, her head was going up and down she was about to hit the table but v caught her and straightened her up. Her eyes were half closed, I guess she ran out of energy.
" I think we should get going, vin is about to knock out, and it's getting late". Taetae got up pulling vin with him, and the rest followed. We were going back to the dorms. Before we entered the building knowing we would separate I ran to jhope and quickly handed him the small gift.

" Thanks" I whispered quickly and ran to our room without even looking at his face.

When I got to the dorm the girls were channing into their pjs, expect vin unnie who have fell asleep with her clothes on. I laughed at that and walked to get changed into my pjs. when i was done bushy Unnie was sitting on her bed talking on the phone probably with her Mom again her mom has been bothering her about marriage lately. Sara Unnie was laying down texting fast on her phone which means she's either texting jungkook or Namjoon cussing their life out over something. I shake my head at her and lay down next to her on my sleeping bag. "Who is it Unnie?" I asked her seeing that she gonna go and punch that person. She usually always gets into fights but me being her best friend I stop her before she does. I don't want my Unnie to get in trouble even when she is a handful sometimes and I have to act like the oldest to stop her. Sometimes I don't even feel like the maknae. She's more childish then I am. "Freaking jungkook he is in a mood to fight with me! I don't know why he texted me but he did he always does that when he is angry with someone!" She said I looked at the texts to her sending middle fingers and cussed words that I'm not allowed to say. Even jungkook doing the same even if he is younger than her. "Just ignore him Unnie." I said she nodded put her phone on mute and placed it in charge. I wanted to tell her that I gave Jhope his gift but I didn't say anything because what if he didn't like it and she made fun of me which she always does so I didn't say anything to her. So if he doesn't like it no one has to know and I can live with it.

"So you gave Jhope your gift right?" Bushy Unnie said looking down at me. How did she know? I looked up at her blushing and nodded looking at my hands. He's probably not going to like it but because he's nice he'll say that he likes it. "Yeah what if..what if he doesn't like it?!" I said looking up at bushy unnie. My face full of worry.

"He will like it and if he doesn't I will just pu-"

"Sara." Bushy Unnie cut her off there. "Don't worry he is gonna love anything from you. You are his favorite after all." She said smiling my heart beat at her words saying I'm his favorite. I smiled at that and nodded I closed my eyes getting sleepy and all my thoughts were about hoseok and his beautiful smile.

The next day we all got up and practice our dances for our live Show. I was ready and Energized while the members are still sleepy and tried. I just love dancing so much I feel so free when I'm dancing like I can do anything like I'm dancing on air. That's why when they asked who wanted to be the dancer on the group I jumped up for it. Seeing the other members dancing isn't their strongest. Vin Unnie and bushy Unnie are strong with vocals along with me but I love dancing more. Sara Unnie was with rapping which is got a lot better with the help of Yoongi oppa and Namjoon oppa. I was showing the members the dance again in case they forget and they followed my moves little mistakes from here and there but I keep on cheering them on. Soon Jhope oppa walked in and I lost my balance and fell on my bottom hard. The girls instead of helping me  started laughing more like dying on the floor. I glared at them but blush from embarrassment because Jhope oppa just saw me lose my balance when I'm a good dancer. A hand was stocked out in front of me and I took it I looked up to Jhope oppa worried face. "You okay?" He asked I nodded blushing and my heart racing he is worried about me over a little fall! Oh god I hope my face isn't red! Jhope smiled and I smiled back at him. He told the girls to get up and start dancing all over again and by themselves as punishment for laughing at me instead of helping me which I smirked at. We both sit down watching them dance and I turned to see if he was wearing my gift which he was! I smiled wide at the necklace I give him which says Hope on it. Which means he likes my gift.

He turned to see me looking at his necklace

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He turned to see me looking at his necklace. He hold it with his hand smiling. " Thank you I love it." He said smiling "I may never take it off." I smiled wide at that glad that he loves my gift. "Only the best for my favorite oppa." I said then start blushing after realizing what I said he laughed and ruffled my hair. "Your my favorite girl." I could die in peace now knowing that I'm Jhope's  favorite girl.

"Yo Love birds lets get moving." Vin Unnie yelled at us which cause both of us to blush. We got up and once again teaching the girls how to improve their dances a little.

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