Chapter 25

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Sara's POV

Namjoon and I left those two alone giggling I was happy that Taetae finally gonna have the balls to ask her out I was excited for Vin unnie she deserve to be happy.

We walked the night about talking about everything and anything, even had a good laugh it was weird we use to fight a lot and I mean a lot. We never got along and now here we are enjoying each other company.


"Yeah?" He looked at me smiling and I smiled back but looked down.

"I was wondering why did you hate me in the begging?" I asked He froze up little and was looking around trying to find a way to escape but I'm not letting him off that easy who does Kin Namjoon think he is dealing with? I looked at him waiting for a answer.

He sighed rubbing his faces which is turning red under the street lights. " see.." he started I waited for him to continue wanting to know the reason behind all this acts. "The way I act like that to you is because I lik-" someone running slammed right into namjoon's back and he fell forward I tried to help but I fall which lead to all of us falling. I had two heavy body's on top of me which is killing me!

"Oh I'm so sorry!" A voice said Jhope? I looked up to see it's was really Jhope with a red face and nervous looking. He got up and helped Namjoon up who helped me. My back was not hurting me I rubbed it and Namjoon as wipe some dirty of my pants and shirt.

We both glared at Jhope, Namjoon got bumping into him hard and I was glaring because now I will never know what namjoon was going to say! Stupid Jhope.

"What happened? Why are you running like a madman?" Namjoon said looking worried and concern. Jhope looked back then told us to walk more we did and he took a sit at a bench that was there we looked at each other and took a seat in either side of Jhope. His hands was on his face and his hair a mess he was breathing heavily and shakily.

"I messed up...I told Nini I like her! It's not how I wanted to to tell not out of anger but out of love like on a date but no I had to get jealous and anger and just said it to her face I even left her alone in a park! God I'm the worse person ever." Jhope told us I looked at him and rubbed his face he looked ready to cry. I told him it's was okay and it's good he let it out that Nini knows now which is for the best.

Which is good because now Nini knows she does have to pick jungkook it Jhope. We stayed with him for awhile talking to him to calm him down.

Nini's pov

I was still frozen at jhope's confession, does he really like me, my smile was getting wider, and my heart was beating hard. Then
I suddenly got a call, it was from omma that's the first time I got a call from her. My smile was gone and a depressed frown was replaced. Since the day I left home to follow my dream, she didn't call or ask about me. She says I'm ruining the image of our family.

I answer the phone scared of what she wants to tell me.

"He...llo mom" I answered in a soft tone.

"Aren't you Hamia's youngest daughter" a male voice answered. My heart almost dropped, I thought it was my mom, who's this guy.

"Yeah, who is this?" I ask back still feeling uncomfortable.

"Your mom's dying, you piece of shit, are you really her daughter she has been sick for almost a month now and you didn't even ask about her, at least come so can see your ugly face before she dies" my brain cells all died I couldn't think. What happened, what the hell is he saying. Before I could even answer he hanged up. My legs lost power which made me crash to the ground. I kept on shaking my head, not wanting to believe what I heard.

My big sister calls me all the time she never told me anything about mom being sick. Everytime I ask about mom, she says she's alright in great health better then I am. I was scared right now, what if something really happens to mom it would be because of me, the thought of it made me lose control and let the tears put while wailing. No, it can't happen, it's all a lie.

I begun walking without knowing where I'm going, my brain wasn't with me. A bright light was hitting my eyes. So I was frozen, I couldn't move anymore. I wanted to move but I couldn't. I looked at the light, and it was the beam lights of a car. It was beeping loud, but to me I can't hear anything but my mom's yellings.

"If you go there, forget you have a family, don't ever call or visit, because I'll kill if you do. You're a shame to the whole family!!" My eyes closed and I collapsed. But I didn't feel the cement but instead a very fimilar sent and warm arms.

Sara p.o.v

We were all at the hospital, Nini was still uncousious and jhope was at the emergency room.

Namjoon was by me trying to comfort me.
" Don't worry they'll be alright" he whispered to me rubbing my back. I nodded silently and continued biting my nails. I still couldn't forget the image of jhope drained with blood. I hope he's alright and nothing goes wrong. Please God wake him up.

As we were waiting for the doctor to get out and tell us how's jhope, someone came rushing to us.

"Aren't you guys, Nini's friends" it was Nini's big sister, her face was pale and she was shaking.

"Yeah, don't worry Nini is okay she's just unconscious for now" I try to comfort her and lead her to the room she was in.

Jungkook was still there holding her hands tight. When he saw her sister he let go and bowed to her.

"Agioo, Ninia" she ran to her and was patting her hair.

"She's alright, someone else saved her from the accident, and right now he's in a dangerous condition" I said feeling bad for jhope.

"Oh really, thank God" she replied and turned back to Nini holding her hand.

"Thank God?!" I replied back giving her are you serious look.

"A person is about to die because of her, and you still say Thank God" I was really heated, jhope doesn't deserve this treatment. I walk out and close the door with a slam. Tears where rushing down my cheeks. I couldn't control my anger, I was overacting but I was really scared for jhope. Namjoon ran up to me and held onto my arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked worried, I shaked my head and threw myself to his chest.

"I'm not okay, namjoon" I mumbled, he hugged me tight and stroked my hair softly.

"It's going to alright" he whispered back.


Nini's p.o.v

I slowly opened my eyes, the first person I saw was unnie, my big sister. I woke up fast checking my surrounding. Why am I here, what happened.

"Unnie?" I look at her puzzled, she gets up and comes to the bed and hugs me.

"I'm so sorry, Nini" she said while removing the hair from my face.

"What happened?" I ask trying to remember what happened and why I am here.

Then everything comes back to my memory, mom.

"Where's mom?" I ask before she can speak again.

" is in jail now" she slowly replied not looking at my face.

"Jail?why??!" I move from my spot and look at her in the face, my eyes wide opened. What in the world did my mom did.

"She got accused of murdering our neighbor, the cranky old lady that use to chase us when we were young. She's 'accused' only, she never did a thing but someone put the blame on her" when she finished, the dizziness in my head got stronger.

"She didn't do it?" I quietly mumbled out.

"Nini!!!, what do you mean by that" her face was turning red from anger.

"Nothing, I want to take a rest " I lay down and turn to the other side not facing her.

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