Chapter 13

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Sara's pov

Me and Nini were now sitting thinking of a very evil plan. "I want to see them burn!" I yelled Nini rolled her eyes at me and went back to thinking. Every idea so far was to evil that it will get us in trouble or simple that won't hurt them as much as they hurt us.

"Want to see who burn." Someone said in English I recognize that voice from anywhere. I turned and i was right I was meet with smiling face of Jackson wang my old best friend.

"JACKSON!" I yelled and throw myself at him which he catch me and we hugged tight. I knew he was in a group called Got7 and all but even since he debut we couldn't hang out anymore. "Been so long you asshole." I punched his arm smiling at him.

He pout and rubbed his arm smiling at me. "I been busy you know idol stuff." I laughed and nodded understanding ever since we debut we been busy too. Nini got up looking at us smiling I walked to her and pulled her next to me looping my arm with hers.

"This here is my best friend Nini, nini this is Jackson my old best friend." I said sticking my tongue out when he pout for saying old best friend he rolled his eyes and bow to Nini who bow back to him.

From there we started talking with Jackson who was very silly am I add doing anything to make us dying laughing. Also telling us stories about his members which is really funny.

"Mark didn't even see it coming the best prank I ever pulled on him." Jackson said laughing hard wiping his tears.

"What are you telling them Jackson!"we saw mark running to us looking ready to kill Jackson. Let's just say mark is even more handsome in person.

" I wasn't saying anything bad. Guys this is the great mark." Jackson said mark smiled at us.

"Well hello mark." I said Nini elbowed my side she does this everything I sound 'firtly' can you blame me right now mark is great to look at. He blushed little how cutee.

Nini rolled her eyes and drink her water, I back up little for some group that finished and hit her little she chocked right when Jb appears.

"Damn is JB that handsome?" Jackson said I laughed patting Nini's back lightly she was still coughing She had one finger up and I stopped she took a breathe and also stopped coughing. JB rise his eyebrow confused but didn't mind us and told the boys they will be starting soon and left.

Jackson and mark nodded after he left and looked at us upset that they have to leave we were having so much fun with those two.

"Hey why don't you give me your number so we can hangout." Jackson said to me smiling bright I smiled back and nodded giving him my phone he put his name and number in it. Mark doing the same to Nini's phones. They waved bye and left with the rest of their members.

I looked at my phone and laughed and then smiles, Jackson put his name as 'sexy man😝' on my phone. I showed Nini who laughed saying mark put ' Handsome man 😘' on her phone. We were laughing hard at this for some reason when we turned to get ready Namjoon and Jhope were standing there looking pissed off like those anime characters where their faces are red and stream will come out their ears.

We walked pass them with me flipping my hair in a sassy way which I knew will kill Namjoon. That will teach him a lesson not to mess with me.

It's was our collab now. The dancers performed and rocked it I high fived all of them smiling. I fixed my hat we were having a rap battle which means that shit gonna go down. Knowing Yoongi won't go so easy, also Namjoon won't too so I have to keep up with them and also keep the fans hyped up. Three of us stood together waiting to be pulled up.

"Break a leg you two, and I mean for real I hope you two break a leg." Yoongi said to us Namjoon looked at me in a ' what the hell' face I shrug at him.

"Break a face I sure as hell will laugh when you do." I said Namjoon laughed and I smirked while Yoongi rolled his eyes at me but I can see the smile forming. The lights flushed on our faces and that's when Namjoon began shouting. "IS EVERYONE READY!" He said in English and the fans went wild and that's when Namjoon started rapping, then Yoongi who rapped really fast like chill boy. I was nervous but I rapped my part which surprisingly the fans got more hyped up then before. Maybe they haven't seen a girl rapper who can catch up with those two. I smiled and continued my rapping I looked at the others who were smiling and nodding saying I'm doing good.

When we were done I lay down on the floor tired af. Then the rest of the girls just thought it was a good idea to lay on me. "SARA SARA SARA!" Nini yelled in my ears yep I'm totally going  deaf in my right ear.

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