Chapter Four

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The girls and I kept on watching our debut stage at mcountdown for about an hour now.
"At this rate I'll hate our song, stop it" Sara unnie paused the video and got up to leave the practice room.

"Let's just go to sleep, we have to record tomorrow too" before she leaves, the door was slammed open making it hit Sara unnie in the face. We all burst out laughing, but then held our laughter knowing she would kill us if she hears us. Namjoon oppa was standing there silently with pizzas in his hands.

"Here's pizza" he said with a bit of guilt in his voice. Sara unnie was still in the floor holding her forehead, there was some blood dripping.
"I'm really sorry, I didn't know you we.." namjoon was trying to aplogize but unnie got up so quickly and was already chasing him around the practice room.

"YOU DID IT ON PURPOSE" she kept on yelling.

"I SWEAR I DIDN'T" namjoon yelled back. Me and unnies slowly picked up the pizzas and ran to our room.

Eventually they would calm down, let's just eat before the food gets cold.
"I kinda feel bad, she really got hurt" bush unnie mumbled making us feel guilty.

"Oppa would take care of it, if she let's him live" we all cracked up and digged in to the pizza, we were starving.

I took a long bath and was ready to knock out, but decided to take some fresh air.

I went out to the convenience store to buy some drinks. On the way I saw Sara unnie and namjoon oppa together, they were still bickering bit namjoon was trying to clean her wound. Their image looked so cute, even if they always bicker they make a cute couple. They just won't admit they like eachother. Not to ruin the moment, even thought it's them fighting , I turn back and walk home.

When I got home a strong chest hit me knocking me off and into the ground. My drinks fell out of my hands and into the ground as well spilling everywhere. I groan in pain and looked up to see jungkook. "I'm so sorry Nini here let me help you." He said walking to me but slipped and fall on top of me instead. By now our faces are very close to each other. He was blushing while I looked at him waiting for him to get up because my shirt and pants are wet from the drinks.

"Hey jungkook have you see-"Jhope oppa got cut off when seeing us. "Ummm" oh no no it's not what it looks like OPPA!! I pushed jungkook away fast and got up. Looking at Jhope oppa hoping he doesn't think anything happened. "I smashed into jungkook and fell along with my drinks and they all spilled and he slipped and fall on me I swear oppa we weren't doing anything." I explained myself. Jhope oppa nodded looking anywhere but me. He doesn't believe me this is bad.

"We better get this cleaned up before Jin see it." Jungkook said getting up I nodded started cleaning up with the help of jungkook. Jhope oppa left us alone but he didn't even say anything but he looked very sad I hope nothing is wrong with him. My heart hurts at my oppa being sad. I hate it when he is sad or anger because he always ends up crying or keeping it in then blows up in the end.

After I was done cleaning I went to my room and got changed bushy and Vin Unnie were sleeping but Sara Unnie still wasn't here. I got mines and her bed bag out and lay them on the floor with our blankets and pillows. I laid down and pull out my phone deciding to text Jhope oppa and see what's bothering him.

To: Hopie Oppa🕺🏼
Hey oppa was wondering if everything is okay?
Time: 11:01 p.m

From: Hopie Oppa🕺🏼
Everything is fine don't worry yourself. :))
Time: 11:03

I smiled at that knowing nothing is bothering him. Maybe it was my imagination.

To: Hopie Oppa 🕺🏼
I'm glad I Don't my favorite oppa to be sad 😁
Time: 11:05

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