chapter 16

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Nini p.o.v

What should we do, the ceo is really angry I'm afraid the scandals will get bigger.

"Hey, nini" Jungkook came and sat next to me. Since he confessed I haven't really spoke to him much. It just became awkward.

He look at him and smile, I want to tell him the truth of why I agreed to go out with him, but I couldn't he was just to soft and I wouldn't dare to hurt him.

"Do you want to go out, it's too suffocating in here" I just nod and follow him. His happy smile was just hurting me more.

On the way out we spot sara and namjoon by the door.

"Are you guys going somewhere?" I asked.

"It's just something urgent happened, we'll be a lit late" their faces were really down, what could've happened. Unnie wasn't her usual self. I haven't seen her like this for a long time.

They left with namjoon's oppa car. I look at jungkook and he just shrugged. 

"How about we go to the park" I suggest to jungkook, I'll just enjoy my time with him this time, without thinking about someone else.

The first thing we do is race to the swings. We played there a little and ran around the playground making bets.
"The person that does the monkey bars last gets to buy the snacks" I said proudly knowing that I'm a pro at monkey bars. When we raced the outcome wasn't really suprising, our golden maknae won.

I give a long dark glare, " why do you have to be great at everything, it's not fair" he laughs and slightly pats my head pretending to calm me.
" I get tired of my perfection too" he replies with a smirk and runs away because he knows he would get a  kick. When I finally catch up to him I give up and we head to the store to get something to eat.

"Thanks" he says with a serious face
"Thanks for excepting to go out with me" he then smiles and runs ahead. This kid he's really precious. And it's really making me feel more guilty.

"I want ramen and ice cream and sausage and ohhh chocolate a lot of it" he demands , I give him a punch in the arm and order the things we want. On the way out we come face to face with jhope. I just freeze at my spot, looking at him. He was just giving me a blank expression. He passes by me without saying anything .

We just still at the table by the store and open our food. I try to act natural and pretend I didn't even notice him or care. Jungkook was looking at me for any reaction.

"Let's eat, I'm so hungry" I try to say brightly and change the mood that ruined the moment.

Jungkook just begins to eat silently without saying anything. Like he was afraid to say something, I also start eating my ice cream first. Jungkook opens my ramen mixes it for me and hands it to me. Honestly I'm not a big fan of ramen but I can still eat it.

"She's doesn't eat ramen, she's the only one in the world" jhope said as he walked by us and gives me a stare that went through my whole body.

"You don't like ramen?" Jungkook asked looking suprised

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"You don't like ramen?" Jungkook asked looking suprised. I know it's weird not to like ramen, but it's not my thing.

"I do!" I reply and eat my ramen really fast without stopping. Jungkook looks at me suprised by my sudden action.

Sara p

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Sara p.o.v

The ride was really long which was really killing me. I wanted to get there really fast. It's the first time my mom would call me like that and ask to visit right away. I'm so worried if something happened. If something really happened I wouldn't forgive myself. I should've stayed with her and never thought about becoming an idol.

We finally arrived at my village, I run towards my house with namjoon following behind, yelling at me to slow down. I just wanted to see my mom's face really fast.

When we arrived, namjoon was breathing hard. I ignore him and enter house, I felt a bit awkward, I've been away from it for a long time. I search around it looking for mom.

"Sara!!" Mom popped out of the kitchen with a wooden soup in her hand. She runs and hugs me tightly, and hitting me with small sniffs. I just stand still suprised at the situation, I thought she was really sick or something. Namjoon was still by the door. Mom saw him and asked who he was.

"Omma, it's the rap monster from BTS" I say imitating a monster with my hands and face.

"Ohhhh, he's that kid" she claps her hands as she remembers him and runs to welcome him.

"Agiooo, my child" she pats him and pulls him in. His expression was making me cracking up. He couldn't even move, like he was frozen.

"Why would someone like you bring my daughter here, thank you my dear" she still pats him. I laugh at my mom's sudden action and affection to him.

"Omma, he's not that special" I get up and walk to the kitchen. I can feel his gaze at me without even looking at his face.

"By the way, why did you call me that way, I thought something really bad happened" I ask a bit angry while stirring the soup, my favorite soup, it was already melting me I missed it so much

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"By the way, why did you call me that way, I thought something really bad happened" I ask a bit angry while stirring the soup, my favorite soup, it was already melting me I missed it so much.

"If I didn't make it seem that way, you wouldn't have came" she looks at me with a sad smile, it broke my heart, I was really busy so I didn't have time to visit since I made my debut. I felt really guilty.  I run and hug her tightly.
"I'm so sorry omma"

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