Chapter Seven

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After what happened a few days ago Namjoon and I haven't been fighting as much. We are getting along little by little which is making me very happy. He also told me how to handle my feelings and the haters which I'm very glad he did because now it isn't getting to me as it did before.

"Hey Namjoon check those lyrics for me." I placed the papers infront of him and he nodded reading over them. Suddenly we hear shouting I looked at him and he looked at me we both ran out the room and into the dance room we see Jhope and Nini arguing and shouting at each other. Me and Namjoon went and tried to stop the fight but they just got louder which is shocking seeing Jhope and Nini fight when it's always Me and Namjoon. "Calm down Nini les take this outside." I said pushing her softly out while she's yelling at Jhope.

Namjoon was holding Jhope. "WHY DONT YOU GO AND DANCE WITH JUNGKOOK." Jhope yelled angry.

"IN FACT I WILL AT LEAST HE WONT BE A JERK ABOUT IT." Nini yelled back at him I close the door. Taking Nini to our room and trying to figure out what's going on and why they were fighting.

Once she calm down I sit down next to her and rubbed her back. "Would you please tell me what happened between you and Jhope." She nodded she looked down and explained that her and Jhope were dancing like always till he snapped at her for making a small mistake. She told him it's wasn't a big deal and from that they started shouting at each other. She was in tears now and seeing her like this made me sad. I hugged her as she cried. I let her get everything out. Oh I can't wait till I get my hands on Jhope I will kill him for sure. "Hey go change and go to sleep." I said she nodded getting up. I got up and left the room to the dance room where Namjoon, jungkook, Vin unnie and Jhope are still there. I walked up to Jhope but Namjoon got up front and dragged me away from Jhope. "I just want to talk and maybe punch him in the face that's all I swear." I said being dragged out. Jhope looked at me scared hiding behind Vin and jungkook.

Namjoon took me into the hall and rubbed his face. "Why do you always like fighting with people without knowing anything."

"I know he made Nini cry and that enough reason for me to break his face namjoon." I said back harshly he shook his head and smiled little which is weird because he never does that when I'm being mean. "Your always looking out for the people you care about." I rolled my eyes duh of course I'm gonna look out for the people I care about! If I'm not gonna do that then who is? No one will, so I take matters by my own hands.

Namjoon explained that Jhope was tired and that he wasn't in a good mood that he is gonna apologize to Nini tomorrow morning. I nodded seeing that Jhope can make it up and if not then I can punch him and Namjoon agreed with me saying he will help me hold him down.

"Alright I'm gonna go to bed." I said turning to walk.

"Alright Sweet dreams sara." Namjoon said I looked at him shocked we never ever say good night to each other. This new namjoon is really nice but also creepy. I smiled and nod walking back to our room changing and going to bed. I like this new namjoon a lot.

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