chapter 14

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Vin p.o.v
The dream concert was ending and all the artists were leaving. I was having the biggest headache and becoming dizzy. We are almost going back to our dorm. Has we were about to leave taetae came running to me.

"Vin, I have something to tell you, it's really important" he was looking at me straight in the eyes. And it was killing me. This kid is really strange and he's affecting me.
"What is it tae?" I said trying to sound calm, my head was about to explode I'm having the biggest headache ever, I think it's because of all the loud noises.

"It's not something to be told causally, it looks like today is not a good day I'll tell you some other time" before I can say anything back he was already gone. What is it.

The next morning, everyone was gathered by the ceo. I still don't know why we were called, bts seniors and us were waiting in the dance practice room until our ceo comes.

"What do you think it is this time" Jin said getting us curious.

"Maybe it's a trip, or a variety show" namjoon said smiling.

I wish we really need a rest and time to relax our minds. I hope it would be trip, traveling to another country or something.

The ceo finally came, his face wasn't happy, we were all silent not even a smile movement. Our ceo is usually in a happy mood, but today he looked really scary. What happened.

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