Chapter 30

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Sara's pov

We got some information for gun oh but I didn't believe a word he said. He probably made shit up his ass. He said that Nini's Mom works with him and she have for 15 years now and he said that she isn't a good person that we shouldn't trust her so easily. He didn't have any information about why she killed him or if someone else did and she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He did say that the old man have been annoying her for quite some time about something. Gun oh didn't know what it was and he doesn't want to know his glad that she's in jail saying that's her place and she belongs there. Nini got anger and got up walking out having enough of his bullshit and I as well not before cussing his life out which he laughed at.

"Fuck him don't believe shit he said about her Nini." I said walking behind her and out the door.

"Maybe his right sara maybe my mom is a bad person and killed that man." She said losing hope I stopped and stood in front of her I placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Don't give up now we have a lot more people to ask if he isn't gonna help then we find other people. Isn't there a shop in front of your house? Maybe if we ask them they know something." I said she nodded and we started out walk back to her street going to ask the shop owner or whoever is working there if they know anything.

I pulled up my phone just to check what time it was. But there was a lot of miss calls from Jin,Namjoon, and Vin.

13 miss calls from 'Mommy Jin 💖'

7 miss calls from ' Nam 🤓' and 4 unread messages.

20 miss calls from 'Vin unnie🔥'
From Nam 🤓

Hey Sara where are you?
9:10 pm

Why aren't you answering?!
9:11 pm

9:30 pm

10:00 pm

It was 10:40 now so I better call and tell them I'm okay, I forgot to tell them I was going with Nini. They always know that Nini is with Jhope at the hospital so thats why they don't call or text because she wants to be with Jhope. I was just about to call when Nini told me we are here so I put the phone in my pocket and walked in.

There was a young boy about maybe 16 years old moving boxes and he was the only one in the shop. He bow at us and walked next to the cash register. Nini went to get something and I smiled at the kid he smiled back nervously.

"I wanted to know if you have anything that can help us solve a case." I said Nini come behind me looking at the kid. He nodded for us to continue and we did.

Later he lead us to a room that had security cameras and we watched it..and boy to we have enough evidences with this what we saw we couldn't believe it. Nini covered her mouth with her hand crying and I was in shocked to even speak it was to disturbing.

We walked out of course the video of that with us. We thanked the kid and walked out what meet us we weren't ready for. It was Jin and Namjoon standing in front of anger.

Jin with his arms crossed looking like a mother who's caught her kids drawing on the walls. "Oh you two have a lot of explaining to do."

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