chapter 24

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Vin p.o.v
Me and sara where in the park waiting for the boys. The night was so beautiful and it wasn't took dark, since it was a fill moon today, It's so dreamy. Finally after a long wait, they appeared.

"Took you long enough" Sara said rolling her eyes giving them they eye.

"It was because of taetae, not me" namjoon said defending himself.

"Agioo, let's just go" I began walking while taetae by me. We were going to the river that was near by. It gets really beautiful at night, so we decided to go there.

Namjoon and sara were acting weird, they kept on whispering to each other and giving us eyes. They looked like high school teenage girls gossiping.

"We have something urgent to do, sorry guys" Sara blurted out walking away with namjoon. I just silently stared at them. Are they serious, they looked so suspicious.
I looked at taetae he was just waving with a big smile.

"I guess it's just us two" he said laughing awkwardly. What the hell is going on.

We continued our walk and ended by the river. It was really beautiful with the full moon. I couldn't stop smiling because of it.

"Hey, vin I have something to say" taetae walked up to me looking at me in the eye again. I hate when he does that it makes me so nervous.

"What is it, last time you said the same thing" I replied looking anywhere but his captivating face.

"I've been wanting to tell you this, but couldn't find the right moment, and I think today is the right time" he said sounding really serious. Seeing taetae serious was very rare.

He noticed I was looking at him but playing with my nails

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He noticed I was looking at him but playing with my nails.

"Look at me" his voice was very deep making me melt. If the thing he is going to say is stupid I would really kill him. He's torturing me right now, my heart us beating uncontrollably.

"I love you" without any warning he just said it, I was frozen I couldn't digest what he said. I just started with my eyes wide opened. What in the world did he just said.

"I just noticed that I really love you and wanted you to be mine" I couldn't stand it my cheeks were more then red.

"Are you around, you know I ha.....te these kind of jokes" I stuttered trying to walk away, but before I could he held both of my arms and braced me into his arms hugging me tightly.

"I'm not joking, why would I joke about something so serious" he whispered to my ear.

Suddenly tears were just rolling down my cheeks I couldn't hold them

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Suddenly tears were just rolling down my cheeks I couldn't hold them. I don't why I was crying but I just wanted to cry so hard. Taehyung softly let go and noticed my tears he slowly wiped them out and kissed my cheek softly.
"Sorry bebe" he mumbled.

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