Chapter 32

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Sara's Pov

All of us where now running in the hospital and into Jhope's room. I was the first one there along with jungkook who was also fast we run in to see Jhope watching tv he turned to look at us and smiled.

Two of us attacked him with a hug. "JHOPEEEEEE" I yelled hugging his tight he laughed and hugged back. I had tears in my eyes about now. "You asshole how dare you do that to us!" I pulled away and punched his arm then pulled him back in a hug.

I was really glad he was okay I was worried and it hurts seeing our sunshine here and not with us. The house was dark without him. He is our light without him it's all dark and scary.

The rest also took their turns hugging him. Yoongi was last he hugged him then didn't let go crying cussing at Jhope for leaving him with the "devils" which is us all by himself. We were surprised that Yoongi cried but hey it is his best friend too.

I looked around someone is missing..."hey guys wheres Nini?" Jhope asked he looked around. She want supposed to be here with Jhope when we dropped her off.

"No we dropped her off here...that's weird I will go look for her!" I said also worried and also I want to get away because Namjoon been staring at me very creepy and different from his annoyed stares.

I walked around and I couldn't find her anywhere, where could this girl be? I continue my search till I hear crying in the bathroom. I walked in and there she was on the dirty floor of the bathroom crying with her head down. I quietly walked in and took a seat next to her.

"So why are you crying in the bathroom? I thought your only supposed to cry in the club or some shit like that." She jumped right little scared and looked at me wide eyes with swollen red eyes from crying. She then moved close.

"He...he was kissing a girl!" She said crying again. Who was? Jungkook? I thought she didn't like him I know she was his girlfriend and all but I didn't think she would care if he did.i think she knew what I was thinking because she looked up again."not jungkook Jhope was kissing a girl."
Ohhhh okay that explains the tears now I rubbed her back.

"While I don't think a unconscious jhope can have a girlfriend like seriously unless he come in her dream or some demon shit like that maybe you saw it wrong." I said she looked at me like i was crazy which I can be at times.

"I saw them kiss! I have perfect visions I can see right! And what I saw was heart breaking okay!" She yelled I nodded and put my hands up in a shielded. She calm down I helped her up and she washed her face and got freshen up.

"Jhope asked about you. His probably worried come on." I said she nodded and walked beside me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and smiled.

We walked back in the room and now just bushy,jimin,Yoongi, and Jin. Jhope looked and smiled when he saw Nini she stood there shyly looking down till he told her to come here and she did running into his opened arms crying. He also cried with her hugging her tight and wiping her tears.

"Couple reunion so beautiful." I said wiping my fake tears. Jin pitches my arms and I yelled in pain was gonna slap his arm but didn't want to get in more trouble. So I stay quiet this time. Ohh I can't wait till my punishment is over I'm gonna diss jin in one of my remix!

We were all sitting down and talking jimin and bushy left so not it's just me,Jin, Nini,and Yoongi. Jin would ask how Jhope is feeling every five seconds like that's gonna change but he always answers with I'm fine. Him and Nini are holding hands ever since. I yawned tiredly and rubbed my eyes.

"We better get going sara getting tired." Jin said getting up I did too. "I'm so happy that your finally up Jhope the house fees empty without you." Jhope smiled they hugged and saying good night.

" night our angel our hope our Jhope!" I said he smiled giving me a thumbs up laughing. I hugged him and left with jin. Yoongi and Nini are gonna stay with him tonight.

I loop my arm with Jin to tired to even walk and he didn't mind too and we walked back home unfortunately there is no taxi at this hour of night.

Nini's pov

Yoongi and I stayed with Jhope, I helped him cover with the blanket and tried to make him comfortable. I still wasn't over the fact him and a girl kissed but that was all forgotten when Jhope opened his arms for me.

I was so happy that he is awake now and all better. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Night Jhope me and Yoongi will be right here in the morning." I said he nod and closed his eyes and fall asleep.

Yoongi was already sleeping I rolled my eyes at him Of course he will be sleep I covered him with a blanket. Then took one for me and took a seat next to Jhope in case he needs me.

I was on my phone texting Vin.

From Vin 😈

Take care of him and alsjshwhajabah

Yo it's Sara and yes I'm sitting on Vin and took her phone anyways! If that girl comes in tomorrow call me! I want to be there! Kk? Byeeeeee and good night ✌🏼

12:30 am

I laughed at that and locked my phone and put it on the night stand. I looked at Jhope who was sleeping peacefully. I reached my hand and brush his hair that was little on his face. His hair have gonna long which is really cute the brown roots are coming out and his dyed hair was still red. He looked cute like that, I smiled and my hands just went from his hair to his cheeks. I don't know what I was doing but he lean in my hand and I smiled at that. Then I hold his hand afraid to let go. And that's the way I fall asleep me and Jhope holding hands.

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