chapter 22

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Nini p.o.v

I'm vary happy that everything is going back to how it was, sara unnie was back to her old self and now we are preparing for music core, now we can finally perform good and complete. And after this we have a fan meeting too. It will be really exciting. We get ready for reharsel, and joke around with the fans before we actually perform.

"Are you alright?" Some fans were shouting to sara.
"Yeah, I'm alright now" she replied shyly playing with her hair. She's not use to people treating her like that with cuteness. Agioo this unnie, I give her a big pat in the back to get ready to perform, before she can get her payback the song started and we had to perform right away. With unnie this time, the stage felt more dark and cool. This is the performance I was waiting for and I think the fans would love it more.
When we finished, our staff brought us chicken. The moment I say chicken I ran crazy to it.

"Finally CHICKEN!" I suddenly got emotional, I have never ate chicken for a long time, because of the strict diet. We all ate until we couldn't move.

"Do you know what would be the best, if they can give us hamburgers, do you when was the last time I smelled one" I began complaining.

"If you guys win 1st in any music show then, we'll treat you guys out and you can eat whatever you want" our Manger made a deal, an impossible deal, come one how can we win we aren't that well known yet.

"We still have the fanmeeting, I'm dead I want to sleep first" Vin unnie whined as she crumbled into a ball. This unnie can really sleep anywhere anytime. But waking her up isn't hard.

"Let's go girls!" Sara unnie screamed trying to get us energetic. We all got up lazily.

"You lazy punks" she began slapping us and pushing us out of the door.

"Heyyy" we all screamed at the same time and moved faster.

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