Chapter 15

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Bushy's pov

When our CEO come he looked very angry. We all stayed quiet no one breaking the silent, we knew we are in big trouble. But I know one person who gonna break it soon. 1...2..3

"Soooooo what's up?" Sara said I almost face palmed myself namjoon and Nini elbowed her sides which looks painfull, but she didn't show it.

"WHATS UP? WHATS UP OH I DONT KNOW MAYBE IT'S THE FACT YOU FOUR WHERE BUSY FLIRTING?" He shouted suddenly I jumped back getting scared but jimin comforted me while putting his hand on my back. He was shouting at Sara,Namjoon, Nini, and Jhope. The three looked down but Sara looked straight at him. This GIRL! I was ready to slap her head so she can at least show she's guilty.

"Sir I wasn't flirting with anyone he was a friend of mines which I haven't seen for a long time. So me and Nini weren't flirting but as for Namjoon and Hoseok I will say they were 100% being flirty with those girls." She explained calmly and not even scared. People thought Yoongi was tough they haven't seen this girl.

Namjoon and Hoseok head snapped up while Nini was holding her smile looking down. " WE WEREN'T FLIRTING SHE'S JUST LYING SO SHE CAN GET OUT OF THIS." Namjoon yelled the CEO now was rubbing his forehead probably getting a headache I won't blame him.

"I don't care who was but that's not the problem the problem is that they think Jackson and Sara are dating!  That army almost attacked Jackson saying their taking Sara away from freaking namjoon?! And army is going banana trying to kill Nini for 'cheating' on jungkook and Jhope with mark. Those shippers are losing their shit and you better fix it or else you four kiss your careers goodbye." That's all he said and left. Now and I mean now sara went pale looking like she gonna faint anytime I went fast and hold her. Vin was hugging Nini who was now crying, while hoseok and Namjoon look shocked.

Well this is a mess.

Sara's POV

All four of us where sitting down thinking about how to fix this and so far namjoon come out with stupid ideas, his stupid mind isn't working. This is all his fault I glared at him hard hoping it will burn holes in his head but unfortunately didn't work.

"Glaring at namjoon isn't gonna help us." Hoseok said I glared at him deathly and he looked away. That's what I thought little horse.

"How about we go on Vlive and explain what happened and that we are just goof friends and nothing more also it's a chance to talk with our fans." Nini said we all looked at her. That's not a bad idea.

"Great thinking Nini I knew you were gonna solve this unlike some people."

"If you have shit to say! Say it to my face." Namjoon said getting up and I got up to his face ready to say things that will sure make him cry but hoseok dragged me out before I could. Nini shook her head and started talking to Namjoon about something I couldn't hear.

"Let's go set the camera up." Hoseok said taking me to a room and we set up everything we both took a seat now waiting for the other two.

They walked in, Namjoon sit down next to me and Nini took a seat next to Hoseok. He then started the Vlive and waited till we got a lot of views.

"Hey! It's Sara! " I said throwing a peace sign.
"Hellloooooo it's your hope it's your angel it's Jhope!" Hoseok said doing cute faces.
"Hi everyone. I'm nini." Nini smiled at the camera
"Hi RM here." Namjoon said waving at them. We got a lot of comments in a blink of eye and also questions about what's going on.  Wow the fans are really fast on vlive we waited till more and read the comments that fans were typing.


'Jhope oppaaaa'

'SARA ARE YOU REALLY DATING JACKSON? #Sanamforlife' (Sara and namjoom ship name)

'Namjoon oppa!💜'

'look at Nini being so cute next to Jhope looks at my ship it's sailing #NOPE' (jhope and nini ship name)

We smiled at the comments then got down to Business. We talked about what's going on saying that Me and Jackson aren't dating that we are just friends who meet after so many years. Also that Nini wasn't 'cheating' on anyone. Namjoon and Hoseok explained they weren't flirting with the girls that they were just talking about somethings also claimed their good friends.

"So any more questions?" I asked looking at the comments sections which was filled with I love yous and shippers from both sides.

Jhope moved the camera to his face and read some of them. "This one ask when Namjoon gonna ask Sara out?" Nini looked at me smirking and Hoseok too those little devils!

Namjoon went red and I tried to calm my own blush. I glared at them but made it seem playful so the fans won't hate me for hurting their angel then took the camera from him ignoring that question Who by now having the fans on the edge of their seats.

"That's all for today folks! And thank you for watching." I said

"WE LOVE YOU!" Nini and Hoseok yelled at the same time. They we're very loud that my ear drums popped. Namjoon said his good byes and we ended it all falling back with a sigh.

"We saved our careers yay."

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