Chapter Ten

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Bushy's pov

Sara and I were walking at night to get ice cream for two sad/mad members Nini and Vin. We got to the store and grabbed the ice cream that Vin and Nini wanted payed and got out. Sara was eating the ice cream she got happily I smiled something those girls get happy over the simples things ever like ice cream.

When we walked sara said we should take a short cut down the alley. I agreed we walked down this very dark alley it's really creepy and it smells very bad. As we were walking a gang wearing masks where standing in the only way out. I grabbed into Sara's arm tight ready to turn and ran if they attack. While I'm here scared and having a heart attack, sara seem calm and walking to them I hold into her tight digging my nails into her skin which she doesn't even say anything to just walking with her head high like she own those streets. I would say she is brave but right now she's being an idiot she's gonna get us killed.

One of the girls stopped us and looked at us up and down. "Rich bitches aren't welcomed here." She said I hold on to my breath ready to turn and leave.

"First off don't call us that, second we aren't rich, and third we are just walking by so no need to be rude." Sara said GOD HELP ME WHY IS SHE DOING THIS! why can't she be a normal person and turn and walk away?

The girl chuckled and the rest of the group did too. Then she got all quiet coming up to Sara's face who looks emotionless at her not even backing away. I grabbed my phone ready to call the cops.

"Maybe I should teach you a lesson for crossing me." The red mask girl who I think is the laser because everyone else has white masks said and was gonna punch Sara but she blocked it and attacked the girl and that when I called but got tickled down into the floor but two girls I tried to fight back but I'm not that great.

Sara was kicking and punching like five girls while I'm here trying to get two off me. My phone flew out of my hand so there goes my chance.

Sara lost and the girls have us tied down with ropes that are very tight. Both of us beaten up pretty bad, stupid Sara and her stupid big mouth that she can't keep shut! I want to live! I want to see Jimin's beautiful face again and get married have little Jimin's running around the house but thanks to sara I won't have that!

"Haha you thought you could beat the toughest gang in Korea?" The leader said getting out something from her that a gun?! Oh no no don't let me die like that! She pointed it at Sara then moved it to me then at sara she keeping doing that. "So was that you gonna die in a alley." She faced me and pointed her gun at me sara was protesting and threatening her....

All I remember was hearing the gun shot go off.

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