Chapter 38 (ending)

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*Three years later*

Sara's POV

"Thank you I'm such a big fan of you guys!" Our fan said I smiled at her and sign her album. You can guess where I am yeah I'm at a fan meeting and there are a lot more people when we first started. We did it at a mall which we thought was good idea but our fans are getting the way but we didn't mind.

"Babe grab my drink please." Namjoon said I grabbed his drink not before drinking and giving it to him, he smiled and kissed my cheeks we got a big Aww from fans and they even screamed how cute we are.

Yes is was me and Namjoon fan meeting, we become a rap unit and debut into and we got more famous there we got really. We are both still in our groups but we decided to take a break till everyone got settled down.

We signed and got gifts which are always couple gifts, our fans surprising weren't mad or upset that we are dating they were really happy and ever since we stared no one hated us maybe a few but it wasn't that bad I had Namjoon who was alway by my side. I looked at him and smiled he turned and smiled then got back to the fan.

"NAMJOOM WHEN ARE YOU GONNA ASK SARA TO MARRY YOU?!" A fan yelled I blushed at that and hide my face shyly. Namjoon got a mic and was smiling.

"VERY SOON." He yelled and the fans went wild and I went a lot more darker red I slap his arm. He laughed and wrap his arms around me pulling me for a kiss. I kissed back and smiling I was really happy with Namjoon and I didn't care about marriage right now being with him was enough.

We continued with our fan meeting and even had a rap battle which Namjoon lost too and I won, i knew he probably let me win that one. After we said our good byes to the fans we headed out hand in hand.

Namjoon looked down at me and I looked up at him smiling. "I love you so much." He said and kissed my forehead.

"I love you more! Now let's go home I'm tired!" I said smiling and yeah I was pretty happy right now and my life is just great with Namjoon.


Vin's POV

Taetae and I have been looking for a house, and we are having a very hard time been months and we didn't like any of the houses we went too.

"Thank you we will come tomorrow and see the place." Taetae got off the call and walked to me sitting down. I was on my laptop looking for a house.

"Tomorrow we will see that house you said looks nice and if that doesn't work out we can always look for more or stay here." Taetae said I put my laptop away and cuddle him he wrap his arms around me.

"Why is this so hard?" I asked sighing I was tired, all I do is sit and looking for houses kind of getting annoying at one point.

Taetae chuckles and kissed the top of my head. We stayed like that for a few moments not saying anything but was comfortable. We always stay quiet and that doesn't bother any of us. Sometimes we are loud and sometimes we are very quiet but we both got each other and that's what I love. We cuddled for a few hours and that's when my phone rang I got up and answered it.

"Hello Vin unnie!" It was Nini I pulled the phone away from my ear because Jhope started screaming into the phone.

"Hey Nini what's up?" I asked it was strange that she's calling me now.

"Remember how you and taetae are looking for a house well me and Hoseok were walking and we saw this beautiful house that you make like I will send a pic rn! And the number! Byeeee!" She didn't even let me talk she hanged up right away.

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