Chapter 28

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Nini's POV

I made a promise to my "mom" and I was gonna keep it, With the help of Sara unnie. We are looking for people who may have been around that night and we even asked questions. Some didn't want to talk but Sara unnie got them to talk.

I looked around today was foggy and the streets where I live looks creepy, I don't live in a very nice street actually my whole neighborhood is full of criminals and drug deals my dad wasn't rich and he always spend his money drinking or just giving it to our step mom which she always spend it on God knows what.

I know that Vin and bushy unnie live in very rich and nice neighborhoods, they look like it when we first stared both looks very nice and cool but Vin parents aren't together and her father later on dead from cancer she wasn't really sad about it because well he wasn't always there for her. Sara use to live in a bad neighborhood but after their father left them then started living a good life. As for bushy no her parents are good and they live a happy life which is why she our sunshine.

"Okay so we go in that alley ask for a Gun ho?" Sara said reading off a paper. That a old lady give to us saying that this man knows everything that happens here. That he is the eye of those dirty streets. I never heard of him we weren't allowed outside much unless we are with Mom or dad.

"Yeah that's what she told us to do, but this alley doesn't look safe at all." I stood by her looking at it scared. She nodded then turn and smiled hold my hand tight and started walking in bravely. I don't know how she is always this damn brave but I'm glad right now that she is.

We walked in and there were groups or gangs against walls talking some are even selling drugs! They all stopped and stared at us. I stood up straight next to unnie putting on a brave face even though I was ready to run for it.

"Who knows a gun ho? We need to speak with him." I said smiled because I didn't stutter. A young men who was sitting got up and walked to us. He looked us up and down then turn and nod for us to walk after him. We looked at each other then walked behind him. When we got deeper in we both pulled out our hoodies and over our heads. We didn't want to be recognized, he opened a door and waited for us to walk in the door was all black and also there was red lights we walked in and he slammed the door shut we both jumped little. He moved and began walking again we followed him closely. Then he stopped in-front a sliver door.

"Enjoy." He opened it and pushed us in. There was five people two girls and three guys. One guy sitting down wearing a suit who I'm fussing is gun ho and another two standing behind him.

 One guy sitting down wearing a suit who I'm fussing is gun ho  and another two standing behind him

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The two ladies where sitting on the front seats. One was crying while the other was rubbing her back. They look like mother and daughter I couldn't tell. "Please give us time we please to get you the money." The older lady said tears in her eyes. He looked at them pretending to be sad then glared at them. "I give you two months isn't that enough time! Ray take time away their pity is bothering me." The body Guard nod and took the screaming ladies away.

My mouth went dry and my heart was beating fast I'm starting to regret coming here, we are gonna get killed.

He looked at us rising his eyebrows like he just noticed there is other people in here. I stood in my spot and Sara crossed her arms and looked at him fearless. "We are here about Hamia, we think she's innocent and you are the only one who can help us proof that. You are gun ho right?" Sara said looking at him he looked at us for a moment then started laughing hard. I was confused what's so funny? This is a serious issue my mom gonna be in jail because someone put the blame on her.

"Innocent? Oh no Hamia is beyond innocent my dear. But yes I am the one and only gun oh." He smirked at us evilly, I got goosebumps just from it and not the good kind the one that's telling me to get the hell away from here.

"We just want to know some information about her and what happened that night." I said I don't trust this guy so I'm not gonna say I'm her daughter or anything related to her. I don't know what he knows or what Mom and him are doing.

Gun oh nod and told us to take a seat which we did. I hope this Isn't a trick.

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