Chapter 23

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Sara's Pov

We got to the fan meeting and our fans were full of energy I couldn't say the same for the girls they were really tired. We got through it pretty easy and fun. The fans enjoyed it and we also did. I got lot of cool hats and necklaces from fans, I even got big 'S' balloon that I tied to my pants. I got a slap each time I'm seeing playing with it.

Then a kid walked to us and my heart just melt I couldn't help myself I love kids so much I got up and picked him up. "Hello angel oh my god aren't you just the cuties little thing." I said in a baby sound I had younger siblings so this isn't really new to me. He was shyly smiling and giggling. I give him a small kiss in the cheek and give him back to his mom or sister. I signed her album and waved to the little man who waved back and walked to Nini who also kissed his cheeks. Vin and bushy hugged him.

We also had guy fans which was a shocked it was a group of guys too. Ten of them we signed and took pics with them also talked and they just love our style of music. Even though I was the favorite being a rapper. I smiled at that and after we were done we played a game and this time a singing play. I wasn't that bad it's just I don't like singing as much. We picked a few songs and when I started singing I was very shy and stopped each other and our fans keep up cheering for me to continue. Then Nini come in and we sing together a Exo song that we both know.

After our fan meeting we went home and took showers and did our things, Nini and bushy went out with their boyfriends. Yes jimin finally asked her out even though they are getting married. Nini told me that she's gonna have a 'talk' with Jhope over something and I think our plan is working too.

"Unnie let's go grab Namjoon and taetae and go for ice cream!" I said standing up looking at her. I'm bored only fun when we all four hang out.

"Alright let me get dress you can text them." She said getting up to dress I nodded texting Namjoon and he will tell taetae which their are roommates.

To: Nam 🤓
Get ready loser we are going for ice cream! Vin is coming so bring taetae.
5:00 p.m

From: Nam 🤓
Don't call me loser and okay I will bring him with me. We will get dressed.
5:01 p.m

I went and got dressed in pants and and a cute shirt with a sweater on top of it,I fixed my messy hair and put my glasses on. I turned to Vin who was wearing black and white stripes shirt and black skirt with a jean like jacket over it.



We walked out and waited for the boys they were little late but we didn't mind we were talking about how the fanmeeting went and how much views we got on our new MV. Which was crazy we even beat BS&T views and that video had a lot of views. We of course Celebrate the boys got us a cake with our group logo on it. Which was really cute. Jhope started singing happy birthday for no reason out just wanted to scream the lyrics out.

I looked at my phone time and the boys are taking way longer but soon I see the coming. And let's just say damn they look really hott. They both wearing white bottom down shirts. While Namjoon wearing jeans and taetae black pants.

"Ready?" Namjoon said I nodded smiling and walked beside him while Vin and taetae walked behind us.
Thank God for my idea of getting is cream right now.

Nini's pov

Jungkook and I where supposed to go on a date but something come up and he had to go so now here I am sitting down in a restaurant alone. I was playing with the napkin looking down.

"What is a beautiful lady doing all alone here." I looked up to see Jhope oppa smiling at me and taking the seat that jungkook was sitting down in. With just seeing Jhope my whole world was all happy and bright. I told him why I was sitting alone and he said he will enjoy me on my little date which means that's JHOPE OPPA IS MY DATE! We talked and laughed we really enjoyed ourselves also he paid.

He took me to the park and we walked around, the weather was warm and nice so this walk was perfect.

"How are things we You and jungkook?" Jhope asked saying uneasy about this. I sighed I can't just tell him the truth he wanted me to date jungkook plus jungkook is his friend what am I gonna say oh I don't love him and I'm not happy because I'm in love with you.

"It's going okay his very jungkook and always takes me on dates..just.."

"Just?" Jhope stopped and looked at me with some hopes in his eyes which confuse me for a second.

"I don't know..Jhope his lovely and everything I'm scared I will hurt him." I said honestly, Jhope looked at me then turned his head. We went quiet for few moments till Jhope stood infront if me looking ready to snap.

"Why can't you just admit that you don't love jungkook? And that you don't have feelings for him why are you making this hard?! It's getting annoying." He snapped at me I looked at him shocked and also got anger over this.

"You Don't know that Jhope! Plus your being annoying with your mood swings and silently treatment! And you know how much that hurts me!" I yelled back at him anger with him how dare he!

"Me? I won't have those mood swings if you didn't go out with jungkook!"

"You told me to go out with him don't you dare turn is all on me! ASSHOLE!" That's when Jhope grabbed my arm tight and pushed me against a tree his face so close to my face boiling in anger.

"I am an asshole for telling you to date him when I knew I like you so much." That shocked both me and him. He backed away fast and ran for it. I was frozen in my spot..

Jhope likes me? Oh My God!

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