Chapter Six

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Today we have a recording at weekly idol, I really wanted to go to that show so badly. And now finally we are going. The unnies were getting ready, doing their makeup and cleaning up. I finished long time, I was too excited that I couldn't sleep. I sat at the building cafeteria waiting for them to get ready. I layed my head down resting at the table. I was too tired.
"Boo!!"that voice was too familiar.
"Jungkook, you're so lame" I lazily raised my head up and slapping his arm.
"What are doing, so early" he asked while taking a seat by me.
"We have a recording for weekly idol today" I excitedly told him. He smiled and patted my head.
"Agioo" he squeezed my cheeks really hard.
"Hey, jungkook!!" He really looks down on me. I pinched his cheeks harder than he did.
"Agiooo, jungkookie" he was screaming for me to let go but I didn't, I was still pinching.
Jhope was behind us looking at us in a blank expression.
I let go really fast and stood up
"Oppa" I mumbled looking at him, he was looking at me in a despointed expression, like I've done a crime.
I was walking to him but he quickly ran out of the building. Why is he acting like that, what did I do.

"What's wrong with hyung" Jungkook asked looking for a reply but I ran after jhope and jungkook behind me.
Suddenly a fan came up to Me and jungkook.

"You guys are my favorite, are you dating" she asked happily holding her phone tightly.

"Not yet" Jungkook replied smirking. I gave him a death glare and was about to leave but she requested to take a pic of us hugging. That's really awakard, why would they ask such requests so rude. But I just went with it and took the pic. Jhope passes by looking at us in a very mad face. My heart was breaking, seeing jhope mad, was the scariest thing because he almost never gets mad this much. I don't know what's wrong with him these days. And the worst thing is he always catches me and jungkook in a awkward sutitation. I don't want him to think we have something between us.

Jhope haven't been talking to me and he is being way to quiet even Yoongi notice and that man doesn't notice anything, when we ask what's wrong or if he is okay he just answers with I'm fine just tired . We all know how a tired Jhope looks like more energized then any of us he will be running down yelling tired but never quiet which is starts to worry me more and more.

After that we walked back to the group and started our way back. I walked beside Jhope behind the rest. "Oppa what's wrong?" I asked looking at him he sighed probably annoyed by now because we asked him that question a lot today.

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine oppa. I just want to know what is bothering you so I can help." I explained to him what happened next I didn't except from him.

"DAMNIT IM FINE OKAY I WOULD BE BETTER IF YOU STOP ASKING ME THAT STUPID QUESTION!" He yelled then take a turn and left somewhere else I stood there In shocked because never have Jhope eve yelled at me before. Tears well up in my eyes. Bushy Unnie and Vin u now come to my rescue and took me away from my spot.

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