Chapter 21

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Vin's pov

Been weeks since we heard from Sara and when we did our hearts dropped. Now Me, Nini, Bushy and Namjoon on our way to the hospital we don't know what's going on or what happened but her mom called Namjoon crying saying someone found Sara and brought her to the hospital.

When Namjoon parked the car we ran out and to the front desk yelling at the same time. She looked at us confused not knowing what we are saying. Namjoon come behind us and told her Sara's name she give us a room number and we have once again started running and into the room without knocking.

Sara was laying there IV in and looking pale, her mom looked scared, anger, and relief all at once. Sara saw us and waved giving a small smile. The first person who went to her was Nini she hugged her tight crying her eyes off.

"I'm so sorry unnie I'm so sorry I didn't mean anything I said! I was anger..and..and I'm just so stupid." Nini said Sara smiled and pat her back saying it's alright and that she forgive for now and also threaten her.

Me and bushy also hugged her and bow to her Mom saying how she is. Namjoon nod at Sara who nod back smiling. Then he bow to her Mom who also smiled and pat his head saying he is always so kind and sweet.

"So how did you end up here?" I asked looking at sara who was now rubbing her neck laughing nervously.

"She food poisoned herself." Sara's mother answered. Of course she doesn't know how to cook for her life! And she knows that. Nini called her a pabo like always and Sara slapped her and that's how their friendship is back together. I smiled at that it been lonely with Sara doing something stupid or crazy which she did now.

We stayed with her till visiting hours were over. Sara said she will be out tomorrow morning. We took Sara's Mom back to her house because Namjoon didn't want her to ride with a stranger and that it's dangerous at night. Bushy, Vin and I smirked at each other we know what Namjoon trying to do win the mother's heart to get to the daughter very clever Namjoon. He doesn't really need to do anything Sara's Mom already loves him.

We can't wait to tease him about this. "Thank you so much sweetie." Sara's Mom said getting out of the car. "And good night loves I will see you all tomorrow morning when Sara is out and doing stupid things to herself again." We said our good nights and laughed when she said that which is sadly true. Two years ago Sara jumped off a window think she can land it but end up with a broken leg and when you put her and taetae together it the end of the world those two do a lot of dangerous things like set Yoongi on fire when he was a sleep. Thank god wasn't serious and Namjoon and Jin where there in time to turn it off.

Namjoon drove back, I got close and smirked. "Winning the moms heart are we?"

"I don't know what you talking about."

"Tsk don't play dumb namjoon we all know you trying to get to sara just ask her out already." Bushy said looking at him Nini nodded agreeing he sighed.

"You think it's that easy? We are talking about Sara here! She will reject me and not even feel a thing." He said Nini frowned at that.

"Sara isn't heartless Namjoon you just to try, and she will say yes!" Nini said she's right sara is heartless she just acts tough but she does get shy and sweet at times. She just likes to saw her mean and tough side so people don't bother her.

When we got back we all headed straight to bed tired. What a day.

Sara's pov

The next morning I was out like the doctor said, my mom come in early signing the papers for my discharge and had to leave for work. I was waiting outside for Namjoon and the girls to come and pick me up while on the phone with Jhope.

"So nothing happened when I was gone? I thought our plan will work!" I said into the phone he sighed annoyed.

~flashback to when me and Jhope talked in the shop~

"I need your help." Jhope said serious looking at me I give me my attention and nod for him to continue. "I need Nini to leave jungkook and be with me." He said I looked at him shocked I didn't think Jhope was gonna just say it like that and to me. We weren't that close for him to talk with me about this. I'm more close with Namjoon, Yoongi and Taetae.

"Okay so you want me to help you get Nini to confess her love for you?" I asked he nodded thinking that's the easiest thing ever. I had to think hard for this one. I can't just come up with a plan that easy this is serious. Which means Nini needs to leave jungkook to be with Jhope and jungkook isn't the type in letting go.

"Okay let's see how about we make her jealous? She always snaps when she is jealous and if that doesn't work we have to make you irresistible that she have to come to you." I said he nodded at the idea. When we got that out of the way I made him buy me food and we sit down talking and laughing I didn't know why I don't hang out with Jhope as much. We would have been good friends.

~end of flashback~

"Okay so jealousy isn't working that well how about taking her out and show her how your the perfect man for her." I said I really want them to be together because their burg unhappy right now and Nini is being stupid and hurting herself being with jungkook so the only way is to have jungkook break up with her. Maybe I should have a talk with our little golden boy. Even though I hate talking to him he is always rude. This is for Nini for her happiness!

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