Chapter Five

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Sara's pov

You know how you always have that one member that fans just hate for no reason at all. Yeah like how some army hates one of the members of
BTS! While its the same for us and  it's turned out the fans hate me! I don't even know why, even thought the girls told me it's shouldn't get to me and all but it is getting to me. I have some fans who love me and I'm so thankful for them but the hate are more than the love. I don't know why this is getting to me,the more I read the more I get depressed over it. And I don't know how to deal with this feelings!, I'm never depressed I always have a positive mind but this is really getting to me. I know I'm good, that I'm good at what I do but I have no idea why it's getting inside my brain and ruining everything. I'm not supposed to be sad I'm the leader I'm supposed to take care of my members and look out for them not sit here and feel sorry for myself. Ugh! I hate this I hate this feeling so much. I can't stop reading all those haters messages or comments.

'Why is she even in the group? She ruined the whole song.'

'My grandma can rap better than her and she's dead.'

'Someone kick this girl out! She's doesn't deserve to be in bighit.'

I throw my phone across the room not caring if it broke or not. The rest of the girls were out with the guys. I didn't feel like going out so I stayed in our room which now I'm regretting so much because being by myself isn't helping. "Stupid stupid stupid." I said to myself then got up I need fresh air or otherwise I will break down crying my eyes off and I can't let that happen I have to be strong for the girls and show them I'm a good leader. I grabbed my jackets and mask walked out.

I walked for a few hours looking around and going into shops to see some things, in the end I went to grabbed ice cream I took off my mask so I can eat my ice cream. Big mistake some group of girls noticed me and start walking to me. They don't seem like fans more like anger mobs and ugly ones at that.

"Your that girl from new group S.O.S right?" One of them asked I nodded my head yes. She smirked and pushed me hard I lost my balance and fell on the ground. "A girl as ugly as you shouldn't be in the group." That it this bitch is asking for it. I got up ready to attack the bitch when Namjoon come out of nowhere and hold me back and looked at the girl. Who froze and started screaming like a crazy person. He grabbed my hand and started running the fangirls behind us. We both ran till we reached bighit and the bodyguards took care of those fangirls.

We were taking our breaths from all that running. Namjoon looked down at me and frowned. "You okay?" I nodded my head yes. I didn't know to tell him what the girl said hurt me so bad I didn't want to seem weak not infront of namjoon. After all he did teach me to become a good leader. Even though we fight a lot I don't want to disappoint him as a leader looks like I'm already failing as a rapper.

Namjoon looked at me like he knows I was lying I looked away because if I do speak I may cry. "I don't think your okay." That's all I needed to hear before a sob escaped my mouth and when it did I start crying. I wanted them to stop but I couldn't stop it it just hurts so much I wasn't use to this. Namjoon pulled me into a tight hug and I didn't mind it because right now a hug is what I need. "Shh it's okay everything is fine." He said slowly and softly to me as I cry and wet his shirt with my tears.

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