Chapter 11

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Sara's pov

I closed my eyes tight when she fired I didn't want to see this. This is my fault I should have stayed quiet. Suddenly I was being left up off the ground I started kicking and screaming. "Sara shut up it's me namjoon!" I opened my eyes to see that it was really him carrying me. "Let's go." He said and started running I looked back to see jimin carrying bushy who isn't shot! Oh my God thank you lord! The rest of the boys pushed the girls which they made it seem easy and started running.

We ran for bighit and got in,locking all doors. Namjoon put me down and untied my arms and legs. He did all that looking like he gonna cry any second. "Sorry.." I said low I was stupid I shouldn't have talked to them I shouldn't even ask unnie to walk to that alley knowing it's dangerous at night.

Namjoon shook his head and hold my hands. "I'm just glad we made it in time or otherwise you two would have been dead." He pulled me in a tight hug I hugged him back having my face in his chest. I'm so glad they come in time and saved us. I'm happy that unnie didn't get hurt because of me. I won't forgive myself if anything had happened to her.

"You two look like shit." Yoongi said looking at us. Bushy rolled her eyes and I showed him my middle finger not caring if he is older or not. He throw a water bottle at me but Namjoon catch it before it could hit me.

"What Yoongi is trying to say is let's get you two fixed up." Jin said taking me and bushy by the arms and to his room to get us fixed up but we all know their gonna be a life lesson also him giving me a punishment.

I rather have that than anything in this world right now. I'm so glad to be alive.

After all that we walked back to be ticked with hugs and questions by Nini and Vin who looked like they cried. We told them everything that happened with us and the girl gang.

"You just couldn't keep that mouth of yours shut for five seconds." Taetae said with Vin agreeing with him but then glared at him crossed her arms and looked away from him disagreeing.

"Hey come on she didn't know that they were gonna beat her-"

"I beat them up!"

"You lost anyways she didn't know so it's okay let's all be happy that their alive and we made it in time. Also for sara and bushy not to go alone anymore and take at least one of us with them." Jimin said looking at us but mostly bushy he was probably really worried about her. We all know that he likes her it's very obvious just not to bushy who is pretty smart but an idiot when it's comes to jimin.

"I had a talk with the guards and they said they will have to call the cops and explain to them what happened and that you two should stay here for the time being. So if you need anything just come to me and I will try my best to bring it or whatever." Namjoon said I nodded and got up I'm pretty tired from all this.

"Alright thank you. I will be heading to bed now good night guys." I said walking to our room when they all said good night. Nini, Vin, and bushy always said their good nights and followed me.

We got ready for bed and all of us laying down now. "You two are stupid for going alone and we are stupid for asking you guys to get us ice cream at night." Vin said now facing me and bushy side. We nodded agreeing but didn't say anything. "Next time scare me like that and I will put you both six feet underground." She turned after that and went to sleep. Nini was quiet probably understanding that we are still scared and all so she didn't say anything. I'm just glad I'm alive really.

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