(M/Y x F/R) The Lord's precious rose (marluxia/luraniam) *kingdom hearts*

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You were walking to your room. Tired of all the work you had to do. Reading peoples memory's and watching the boy with the keyblade through your crystal ball was hard and tiring on your brain... But of course you were the only one able to do this so you just had to follow what lord xemnas said.

You were a stand out to the orgXIII, you had no weapon and you were never allowed to leave the world that never was actually... the castle that never was you didn't even wear the black cloak you just had a ton of dresses... Some of the other members said you were spoilt.
"hey (name), wait up!" You heared a hooded figure shout.
"Are you going to sleep now, you haven't even eaten dinner" said the hooded figure said as he took his hood off, it was Demyx, the lazy boy of the org.
"I'm just really tired... I've been slaving away. Xemnas wants me to watch over that boy before the castle oblivion long term mission thing" you said trying not to fall over.
"hey have you heard the which members are on the roster?" He said with a smile on his face.
"Who?" You asked
"Ok... Vexen, Lexaus, Zexion, Axel, larxene and..." he listed.
"And?" You asked.
"Marluxia" he said giving you a grin.
"Thats great to hear, I'm gonna enjoy his time away..." you stopped as you saw the tall pink haired, blue eyed nobody standing on the other end of the hallway behind Demyx. Your face went pale as ice and you hoped to kingdom hearts he didn't hear you.
"Hmm whats wrong" Demyx asked.
"Speak of the devil" you mumbled as Marluxia started storming towards you. Once he was where you were he pushed Demyx out the way before roughly grabbing your chin forcing you to look up at him. " so, you're not going to miss me... you can be so cruel to me...(name)" he whispered to you in a sly voice.
"Come on, can you just leave her alone, she's tired!" Demyx yelled at Marluxia.
" I could say the same to you, pushover" replied chuckling at his words.
"I'm getting so sick of you Marluxia. I really am!" He yelled while getting back on his feet you could tell he was getting mad but you had never seen him angry... no one had.
"And what are you gonna do, spray me with a little water, ha, don't you realize how much of a elemental disadvantage you have against me" Marluxia snickerd.
"Well, even plants can wilt from too much water" Demyx replied.
"come on, can we stop the fighting"
You said not wanting this argument to get out of hand. Marluxia then let go of you.
"Ok as you wish... but when I come back from castle oblivion l'll settle this" he said before starting to stroll away before stopping and turning back one last time "and don't worry about me. I know you're just playing hard to get, good bye for now (name)" he said before leaving.
"Why do you just let him do that to you" Demyx said.
"You know this isn't even the worst he's done... I'm afraid of him, he wants me dead..." you mumbled.
"It's obvious. most of the time when he's around you he acts like he's gonna kill you... but he's been acting a little different" he continued.
"Good night" you said waving to him.
"Ok then, I'll put some dinner in the frige if you do get hungry, ok?" He said with concern in his voice.
"Ok, thank you, thank you for being such a great friend" you said before going to your room. You got to your room and opened your door only to see an abundance of roses throughout your room.
'Thank kingdom hearts that this will be the last time I'll see this sight in weeks' you thought.

A few weeks later...
The whole castle oblivion team except for Axel had been killed. It was sad to hear. Xemnas did order you to see what was happening in castle oblivion but you couldn't see anythig all you knew was that the boy was there but after he walked in you couldn't sense anything but now the situation had been revealed that the boy was the one to kill them all, he had become a threat to you all.

"Hey (name)" Axel whispered to you.
"What is it Axel?" you replied. He looked around before he answered.
"Do you know what Marluxia did in castle oblivion? " he whispered.
"What?" you asked.
"He was planning to overthrow Xemnas, he tried to take over" he whispered. Your body temperature dropped to the freezing point.
"Don't worry he's gone, sora finished him off"
"Ok" you replied still shocked. To hear about Marluxia's plans. You started to walk to your room.
"Don't start spreading this to the others, Xemnas already knows, we don't want this going around, got it memorized? " he said followed by his catch phrase.
"Yes, I won't say anything" you replied as you continued walked to your room. You had the strangest feeling like you were in danger even thou Marluxia was dead and gone. You arrived at your room you opened your door and what you saw was shocking. Roses, roses everywhere. You screamed. You lost your ability to stand and landed on your knees.
"Whats wrong (name), are you alright, are you hurt" you heard Demyx call out followed by foot steps.
"I thought it was over" you mumbled looking into your room.
"Umm maybe it's... one of Xigbar's pranks" Demyx said looking into your room he then gave a nervous chuckle.
"No kiddos, I would never do something like that. It's too expensive and why would I do a prank like this, Marluxia has put her though hell, so why would I make her relive that" Xigbar said appearing out of nowhere. This was starting to freak you out.
"Umm... or maybe it was...umm... Luxord" Demyx said trying to desperately calm you down.
"Yeah, possibly" Xigbar said before disappearing...

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