Y!M Request (Xemnas) *kingdom hearts*

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Ever since your friends disappearance you had sworn your life to saving them.

Protecting the secret location of Ventus's sleeping body...

Finding Terra and saving him from Xehanort...

And finding a way to get Aqua out of the realm of darkness...


"Why!? Why can't I go!?" You yelled as you slammed your fists on Yensid's desk.
"The realm of darkness is a dangerous place, (y/n)" he calmly responded.
"And that is more reason for me to go and save Aqua!" You argued.
"That is out of the question, it's no man's territory and your still in training" he said firmly.
"Well then, if you're not going to help me then I'll figure out a way myself!" You screamed out like a spoilt child as you left, you honestly hated the idea of demanding something from others but at this stage you were desperate. It had been a year now and you were still no closer to saving them.

You would do anything to go back to the old days. The days you would spend with the trio. Talking, training and enjoying one anothers company. Aqua always praising you for your efforts, Terra trying to stir you up for laughs and Ventus showing off the new abilities he had learnt. Such great times that you wish you spent more of.


As the years went on your search had gone nowhere. After so long the darkness slowly started to manifest itself in your heart, you didn't notice it until it was to late.

You fell to the ground, your lung felt like they were getting shredded to pieces, your finger tips red turning to black as it went down to your arms. Specks of gold visible in your eyes reflecting the caves interior.

This was it, the darkness was taking control.

You looked up at the hooded figure in front of you, straight into his gold eyes.
"You really think you could challenge me? In that state you couldn't even fight a shadow" the deep voiced figure taunted you. You couldn't respond, the only sound you emitted was wheezing and gasps for air.

"It's only a matter of time before the darkness swallows you" the man said, and you knew it was true.

'give up'

'there is no point now'

'you could never be the hero'

Thoughts clouded your mind. This was the end. You began to let go but a sudden light from your pocket caught your attention. You grabbed out the source of the light, Terra's wayfinder.

Was this his way of telling you to stay strong?

The light grew brighter and brighter until it blinded your vision and you lost continuance.


You woke up in a unfamiliar room with a young short black haired girl watching over you.
"Wow you sure we're tired!" She cheered as you sat up.
"Huh?" You replied.
"You must be confused right now, I'll get you something to eat" she said as she walked out before a voice yelled out.
"They're surrounding us!"

You quickly shot up out of the bed and ran out of the door straight to the exit. The sun light blinding you momentary as your eves adjusted to the light. Once your eyes adjusted, You saw your surroundings. You were in a town full of construction works and toppled buildings.
"These heartless just won't stop!" The voice of the girl from earlier yelled. You quickly searched for her. You eventually found her and tall brunette man fending off a large swarm of heartless. You quickly summoned your keyblade as you rushed to their aid. Quickly swinging at a few shadows before casting blizzaga at a largebody. After a few more attacks the heartless were gone.

"Wow you took them all out like it was nothing!" The girl said.
"Especially for someone who's been in a coma" the male commented.
"We'll explain back inside" the girl said as she began to follow the male.

You were about to join them but you began to feel a strange presence. That constricting feeling in your chest that told you 'something isn't right' was playing up. Before you could look around and identify the source a pair of hands grabbed you. You struggled in their grasp trying to escape, once you did you got yourself at a distance before summoning your keyblade. You glared daggers at the cloaked figure in front of you.
"Another one" you hissed as you got into your battle stance.

"I don't want to hurt you" that same dark voice as before said.
"I'd like to believe that" you sarcastically commented.
"What do you want from me anyway!" You shouted.
"I want you to join me" he said. You almost instantly launched Firaga at him but he quickly summoned a barrier th block it.
"No... I don't even know what your cause is but I don't trust you" you hissed, after that he disappeared.

"Hey what's going on? Who were you talking to?" The girl called out as she ran to you.
"A black cloaked figure appeared" you told her.
"Then let's get back now, I've gotta notify the others that the organisation XIII is back" she said as she grabbed your hand.
"Organisation XIII?" You asked.
"Yeah, you saw one of them right?" She responded.
"If they wear black cloaks, then yes" you said.


You had grown close Yufi and leon over the numerous times as you had visited hollow bastion as well as the others that were trying to rebuild it but where every you went you seemed to bump into at least one of those Nobodies.

"Are you sure you'll be ok?" Yufi asked you.
"I'm sure, I've fought them several times already and not even gotten a scratch" you said.
"Aren't you even considering that they may just be going easy on you" Leon retorted.
"Even if that's true I can't just let them get away with what they're doing" you said before you set out to the world that never was.


You groaned out in pain as you got to you feet. You lunged forward at the mysterious figure and tried to land an attack but every attempt resulted in you being thrown back.
"Danm it you coward, if you're trying to kill me then get close... Stop holding back!" You yelled and in an instant he appeared in front of you. You quickly blocked his blade with your keyblade.

You did your best to keep up the defence, sweat dripped down your face and your muscles screamed for you to stop. Then it happened, you keyblade gave in and broke in two. You stared at it in shock and clung to the pieces.
"How... How..." You stuttered, unable to make a proper sentence.

A gloved hand caressed your cheek causing you to flinch. You looked up to see the figure kneeling in front of you.
"Do you really think I'm trying to kill you?" the deep voice asked.
"Then why are you going after me?" You asked, refusing to look at him.
"Did our fight not make you remember anything about me?" He asked you.
"No" you muttered.
"Well I did... Very fond ones" he said as a hand wrapped around you waist.
"What? No, get your hands off of me!" You yelled as you tried to push him away.
"I'm not going to lose you again (Y/n), even if it means I have to kill everyone you know"

*1255 words*

This is a request from quite a while an I'm glad that after months of procrastination and rewrites I've finally managed to finish this chapter
Requested by Organization_13

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