(Y!M) Master of puppets (Risotto Nero) *Vento Aureo*

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Ever since you were young you had an interest in forensics. You used to read about many of the murders that had shaken the world and watched many shows about how criminals had been brought to justice. You even had done projects on the subject for school passion projects.It was a life long passion that you persuaded, even thou your mother was hesitant on the idea due to the exultation of organised crime in Italy.

Eventually you had gotten the job you had been working so hard to get. You had finally become a forensic detective and it wasn't long until you had climbed through the ranks.

Now you were sitting at your desk in your bedroom. Looking through CCTV footage, scribbling down notes with one hand while eating take out butter chicken with the other.

Recently some rather strange death's had occurred. A man and his wife killed by a car that had bursted from inside of him, a man frozen under a lake in mid summer, a woman with several lacerations to her organs with no outer wounds, bodies of younger people found as old frail corpses and so on...

All of your coworkers had given up on the cases due to there not being and significant evidence to lead to any murderer, but you were determined to get to the bottom of whatever was going on.

As of now you had found a few suspects, it seemed that they had always been around the area during the murders.

Your phone began to ring. You quickly paused the video and put down your pen before answering.
"Hello,(Y/n) (L/n) speaking"
"Hello (Y/n), I was just calling to see how your going" a familiar soothing voice said. The voice of your mother.
"Oh hi Mom! How are you!" You said as you put another piece of chicken in your mouth.
"Good, how about you"
"Tired. Been looking over CCTV footage for hours now" you said as you started reading over your notes.
"(Y/n)... I worry for your safety, what if you get caught up with the Mafia"
"I'm fine trust me, I've got it all under control" you said as you looked up to the board you had just above your desk. Several pieces of string were placed around the board to link up several profiles.

"Just make sure to keep yourself safe" she said.
"I will" you replied.
"Well, good night (y/n)"
"Night Mom" you said before hanging up, placing down your phone and getting back to work.

As you continued your work you couldn't help but feel as if you were being watched. Sometimes you felt someone breathing on your neck or playing with the strands of your hair but every time you turned around there was no one there.
'maybe it's just the fatigue' you thought.

"your so close, the last piece is right next to you" a voice whispered causing you to frantically look around, you found nothing.
'I need some sleep' you thought as you hopped into your bed.


The next two weeks those same sensations kept happening and dreams of a pair of red irises watching you looped in your mind. Eventually sleep had become something you didn't get, making coffee your best friend.

Your phone rang
"Hello, (y/n) (l/n) speaking" you spoke robotically as you answered.
"We've got another case you might want to add to that large stack of yours" your work colleague, Monica said.
"Meet me at the station, I'm about to do a toxicology test" she said before hanging up.


You had been feeling a bit feverish all day but after seeing what you had just saw you couldn't help but make a rush to the bathroom and throw your guts up.
"(Y/n)... What's going on? Your usually good with this stuff" Monica said. You spat out the remaining vomit from you mouth before grabbing a handful of toilet paper to wipe your mouth.
"I haven't been feeling well lately" you said before walking to the basin to quickly wash up. You left the bathroom and grabbed a cup of water before heading back into the autopsy room.
"How the fuck did he get a pair of scissors inside his neck without any openings!" You exclaimed.
"That's what you've got to figure out" Monica said to you.

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