loves me, loves me not pt3

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"So why am I dressing like a lady... Didn't you guys say to me I couldn't let anyone know I was a female" you said as Mista pushed you into the dressing room as the others followed.
"Aw come on, all you have to do is sit pretty and keep a look out" he said pushed you into one of the change rooms before handing you a rather short black dress.
You sighed as you closed and locked the door before changing into the dress. A look of disgust contoured your face as you looked in the mirror, it left very little to the imagination.

"God danm you Mista, you had to choose the sluttest dress on the rack didn't you" you yelled.
"What!? You think I choose that dress" he retorted.
"Narancia told me to give you that dress, said you'd look real fine" he continued.
"A no, no I didn't say that" Narancia said in a flustered tone.
"Sure sure... I bet your thinking about her in nothing right now, you little pervert" Mista snarky commented.
"Can I just have the next dress please?" You asked.
"Nope, not until you show us the other one" Mista snickered. You let out a groan before opening the door. Narancia had covered his eyes when seeing you in the dress, his face going red, his reaction reminded you of a child watching M rated movie for the first time.

"How do I look?" You asked in the most sarcastic tone possible.
"Why should I care, we're part of a mafia not some runway fashion show" Abbaccio sighed.
"Mista I don't think a dress like  that is suitable for where we're going" Bruno stated.
"It's a joke ok" Mista said as he rolled his eyes.
"Next dress please" you groaned. Bruno handed you another dress and walked back into the change room before changing again. This dress was actually really cute, it was a knee long dress with a floral pattern, it looked something straight out of the 50s.

You opened the door and walked out.
"How about this?" You asked.
"I think is beautiful!" Narancia blurted out, his face becoming ever redder.
"I think you choose a good dress Narancia" Bruno said.
"Ah you told me... you weren't going to tell her" he nervously said.
"It's a little too stand out for the mission in my opinion" Fugo stated as he looked up from the book he was reading.
"Your right Fugo" you sighed.
"Honestly why did you guys bring me here, I could have gotten something myself" you said.
"I was bored and I knew Narancia was going with you guys" Mista explained. You kind of knew at this point that Bruno was the mother duck and you all we're his little ducklings that followed close behind. It gave you a sense of comfort knowing how close you all were.

"So what is the mission anyway?" You asked.
"We're raiding a drop off near the docks, from our intel there's supposed to be thirty million worth of methamphetamines coming in, the boss has ordered us to dispose of it" Bruno explained. An intense atmosphere surrounded you all, you all had anti drug views but it was ironic that you were working for one of the biggest drug distributers in Italy.


You stood at the jetty tapping you foot against the wooden planks. You looked at the night sky to see Narancia's Aerosmith hovering a few feet above you. Hopefully this mission went by with no obstacles to get in the way.

You let out a sigh as two men approached.
"Hey what'cha doing here at this time of night" one of the men said cooly as he wrapped one of his arms over your shoulder.
"You look so lonely" the other said as he dragged his finger along your collarbone. You would kick these men straight off the jetty but you know you had to not draw any attention to yourself.
"I just like the night view here" you lied.
"Well we're just here to sort out some business, how about you stay right here and we'll bring you back to our place afterwards" the first guy said as you could feel his hand grope your breast.

You then had several strands of Sting latch onto them before elbowing them in the stomach, causing them to fall down.
"That's what you get for touching me" you said as you watched their futile attempts to get up. You chuckled a bit as you watched the squirm until something hit you in the head causing you to fall to the ground. With the last of your strength you looked up and saw something looming above you. You then looked at a crystalline substance that formed over your arm causing it to wrinkle.
"An... Enemy stand" you muttered before losing consciousness.


You woke up to a cold liquid splashing against your skin. Your eyes fluttered open to see Abbaccio with a now empty water bottle. A few muffled voices echoing off the warehouse wall could also be heard.
"Ugh what happened?" You groaned.
"The one of the guys you were suppose to distract had a stand, he's just being interrogated by Bruno and the others behind there" he said as he pointed to a wall of tall industrial shelves.

"We want answers now!" Mista yelled.
"Yeah or else I'll have have to put this ankle grinder to it's proper use!" Narancia said in a overly eager tone, causing you to shutter as well as everyone else in the gang. He never got himself involved with torture but right now he seemed almost excited about the concept.

"That's a angle grinder, ankle grinders are not even a thing" Fugo scowled.
"Well they will be now" Narancia replied giddily as the sound on a power tool resonated thought the warehouse.
"I would suggest that you tell us who your working for now" Bruno said but the man gave him no response.
"Mista, Fugo, Narancia, I'll leave the rest up to you, I'm going to check on (Y/n)" Bruno said as he left them to do the rest.
"Abbaccio how's (Y/n)?" Bruno asked as he approached you.
"I'm feeling alright, just a little fatigued" you said as you tried to give him a thumbs up.

You flinched again as you could here the man scream as the torture began.
"I suggest that you stay out of action for a day or so (Y/n), the enemy's ability was to form salt, it may not sound so bad but he completely dehydrated you so your probably going to be feeling very sick for a while" he said to you as he completely ignored the screaming.

"Now just wait here, I'm going to dispose the meth" he continued.


A few days had passed since then. Narancia had pretty much clung onto you to make sure you were alright and apologized over and over again.
"I'm really sorry (Y/n), if I had been paying more attention then you wouldn't have gotten hurt" he said with teary eyes as he looked up at you as you sat on the bed.
"No it's alright, none of us were expecting another stand user so stop beating your self up about it" you said as you pat his head.
"Yeah... It's just I love you... And I shouldn't let anyone hurt you" he said as a bright hue of pink covered his face.

You sat silently for a moment, not sure whether to have expected such a confession or not. You knew the ravenette for most of of your life, part of you knew that there had been romantic tension but you were still shocked never the less.

"(Y/n) I love you so much, if anything else were to happen to you it would crush me" he continued as he stood up. His eyes seemed so different, they weren't bright and childlike. His eyes were dull and had a certain haunting glaze over them.

He bit his lip and gripped his thigh.
"Narancia are you alright?" You asked as you grabbed his hand, you were concerned about his wellbeing.
He stood silently before he pushed you down onto the bed.
"Please tell me you love me" he muttered as he crawled on top of you.
"Narancia I love you but-" You said only to be silenced by him.
"But what?!" He nearly yelled, his pupils diluted.
"Please, what's wrong?" You just managed to mutter.
"I just want you to be like how you use to be" he said as he twirled a strand your short hair and messy hair, he remembered when it was so long and bright.
"You use to be so beautiful and cute, you wore such pretty dresses and had such long hair" he mused.
"Not that I love you any less now, it's just I wished you'd stayed the same" he sighed as he gave you a quick kiss on the lips.
"I want you (Y/n), I need you!" He said with such desperation.

You were so confused by Narancia's rambling. He never spoke like this, the way he spoke had an unidentifiable tone that made a shiver go down your spine. It's like he had been bottling it all up and letting it all build up until it exploded.

"Your like a drug to me... I just can't get enough" he said through grit teeth.
"Please just love me"

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