🎃Isolation (Merman Weather report)

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You woke up to a harsh sunlight. Your body was completely drenched and covered in sand. You felt disgusting but still a wave of euthoria washed over you. You had actually escaped the ship before it sunk. Your luggage may be at the bottom of the ocean but you didn't care, you were alive.

"I thought you'd never wake up" a monotone voice said which pulled you from your thoughts.
You sat up and looked to your right to see a white haired male in a river beside you.
"How long have I been out?" You asked.
"A few days, I found you on shore and brought you in land a little to stop you from getting sun burnt" he replied, his tone still monotone.
"T- thank you" you said as you tried to stand up only to fall down.
"Legs must be so troublesome" he said as a small smile appeared on his face. You looked at him with a confused look, why would he say such weird remark.
"Oh, you've probably never seen a merman before" he bluntly commented as part of a dark blue fin emerged from the water.
"Wait, what?" You exclaimed, still not certain of what was going on... Maybe you were in a coma or maybe everything was just a dream and you would wake up soon in your comfortable bed.
"This... must be some kind of dream!" you blurted.
"I'd prefer to not be the bearer of bad news but this isn't some dream" he bluntly commented.

You were on the verge of a breakdown, nothing was making sense.
"Well at least tell me if there's anybody else here" you plead to the male as you crawled closer to him.
"I wouldn't count on it, it's just you and me stuck on this desolate island" the he said. You almost screamed at what he said, you were all by yourself... Except for this merman, wait just you and him.
"Wait just you and me? You make it sound like your trapped here too" you said while giving him a confused look.
"Well I'd like to stay and chat but I need to do a few things, try to avoid getting killed" he said before vanishing under the clear water.
"Wait, wait a minute!" You screamed as you tumbled into the water to follow him but there was no sign of him ever being there. You were scared to being left alone, even if your only company was a passive aggressive merman.


"Hey Mr merman where are you?" You called out for the thousandth time as you saw the sun slowly setting and the chaotic melody of animal cries.
"Please come back..." You mumbled as you walked through the river before collapsing by the bank.

"I guess he just left me to die..." Muttered as tears formed in your eyes.
"I wouldn't say that" a familiar voice replied, their breath tickling the back of your neck making you jump a little.
"Don't... Don't scare me like that!"  You scolded the male, a small smirk on his lips.
"And my name isn't Mr merman" he continued.
"Then what is your name?" You asked.
"It's Weather report" he replied. You tried to keep a straight face after hearing such a ridiculous name.
"What's so funny about that?" He asked you with a scowl.
"It's just that it sounds like you've just picked up something and decided that your name was going to be Weather report" you explained.
"And so what if I did?" He huffed.
"Your kidding!" You screeched before bursting into a fit of laughter.
"Well then what's your name?" he said in a slightly abrasive tone.
"It's... It's (Y/n)" you said though deep breathes as you tried to regain your breath.

Weather couldn't help but smile as he heard your name, it was so cute, it was definitely a name he thought suited you well.
"Well (Y/n), it's great that we've properly introduced ourselves to each other" he said as he threw something at you. you managed to catch it just in time, you shuttered lightly as you felt the slimy object in your hand before opening it to see something slimy and yellow.
"Thanks... What is it?" you said to him, trying to hide your disgust.
"It's a urchin, I thought you might be hungry" he replied.


As the days went on Weather seemed to warm up to you more but even thou that was the case you felt like something was off.

Weather never really showed his emotions but he just couldn't help but feel his heart race and his lips curl into a smile around you whenever he had seen you.

He was never going to tell you about the times he had seen you prior to you 'washing up' on this island. Seeing you walking on the land brought him so much sorrow as it reminded him that despite sharing the same planet you were still a world apart from him. You lived on a world of earth and stone, one that was forever changing while he lived in a world of water, a world of isolation and loneliness. This island which he had brought you too was a middle ground due to all of the underwater caverns that gave him an easy way to traverse throughout the island.

"Where are you taking me?" you asked Weather as you tried to walk through the river he was swimming through.
"You'll see" he said as he guided you to the the beach. Once you arrived you saw several crates littering the beach you quickly ran up to one that looked like the easiest to open.

Your mouth watered at the sight of billtang and many other non perishable food. You opened the others to reveal similar products. Tinned peaches, microwavable rice, dried cranberries and more. You nearly squealed in joy. No longer would you have to eat sea urchins and oysters.

But then you took a moment to look at the horizon and saw the shipwreck jammed on some of the jagged rocks not far from where you were.
"How did the ship get so close to land without realising it" you muttered to yourself as you inspected the land around you.

Soon you heard what seemed like helicopters. But before you could even see one in the sky Weather grabbed you by the leg and dragged you into the water.
"Weather, what are you doing?!" You screamed as you tried to keep yourself on land.
"If they see you they'll take you away from me. I can't have that!" he hissed as he finally managed to get you in the water and dragged you across the lake before pulling you under. You tried to hold your breath as hard as you could but eventually you couldn't any longer and your lungs gave out. All you could see was the faint glimmer of the sun as the water entered your lungs.

Was this it...

Was this how you were going to die...

1180 words

Another cliffhanger I'm sorry...

Requested by xxrobloxmasterxx

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