DRABBLE (Y!M X F!R) Hope (Nagito Komeda) *Super dangenronpa 2*

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You were the ultimate motivator, it was a weird talent but it was obviously good enough to get you a spot in Hope's peak academy. To elaborate on your talent, you could get people to hope for the best and believe that luck was on their side. You had received requests to lecture people and even cases of having one on one sessions with particular people, one of your regular clients being Nagito Komaeda. He was one of your fellow classmates in Hope's peak academy. Until the regular meetings with him you hadn't known about his... fluctuating luck problems and all of his illnesses but once you did find out you had made it your duty to enlighten him.

With each session he had with you he could feel himself falling more in love with you but what started out as an innocent crush had become an unhealthy obsession. You were an angel of hope, no you were the human embodiment of hope itself. Your soft hair, your glowing skin, your dewy eyes. Everything, everything about you was perfect. He had recorded every meeting he had with you and would just listen so your silky voice saying words of comfort and support.
"Nagito, don't worry about what the doctors say. If you just keep believing in yourself then will surely live the same life expectancy as everyone else"
"Bad things happen to show us how special the good things in life are"
"The bullies only bully others because the can't find out who they truly are". How those words slid off your tongue sent him into ecstasy. You could bewitch everyone with your soothing words... Well that was until the killing games began.

You had just lost your spark. You would try and try again to reason and divert people away from murder but no matter how hard you tried, someone would always give in to the temptation's of murder. Nagito could see how the killing games effected his gleaming hope, he began to see that despair was slowly eating away the hope that permeated from inside you. They had all taken you for granted and now they were going to pay for it...

The class trials had started, this time poor Hajime had been the victim and you were the prime suspect. Everyone threw every sliver of evidence against you.
"You killed Hajime because he stole your role, isn't that right"
"You grew jealous of him..."
"So you got all buddy buddy with him"
"... And when you had the chance, you took it"
"You grabbed that knife and butchered him up!" A Chaotic mash of voices attacked you. The only person who hadn't been verbally tearing you was Nagito, who was giving you a look of sympathy.

"I didn't do it! I didn't do it! I swear!!" You cried out.
"I don't believe you, not one bit!"
"Everything points to you!"
"You're the murderer! Don't deny it!" Your supposed friend said before posting their votes.
"Upupu~ Well Finally the moment you've all been waiting for, the murderer's reveal!" Monokuma sung as everyone's eyes were on him, in wait for his answer.
"(Y/N) was..." He sung out to drag the tension.
"...Not the murderer!" he yelled, everyone glanced at you with shock.
"The murder was actually committed by Nagito Komaeda himself" Monokuma said. You could feel the sadness of all your peers.
"Well, well, well. We haven't had one of these in a long time!" The bear chirped.
"Time for an execution marathon ~" he sung out in glee.
"Nagito... Why"
"I did this to punish you all... For taking hope for granted, for not listening to the blessed words of Hope's angel ~" Nagito replied with bliss in his tone.
"What the fuck are you talking about!!"
"You all ignored my precious (Y/N)'s sweet words... And for that you'll all pay with your lives" he explained as he walked  behind you.

You were forced to watch everyone you knew on the island get gruesomely ended, the bloody imagery burnt into you mind to always haunt you.
"I did this for us, my precious angel" he said before bringing you into a passionate kiss.

You were trapped by the boy you tried to save.

*705 words*
Hi my lovely readers! I wrote another chapter!!! Just a drabble I know... But I wanted to make it up for being away for so long.
Anyway hope you all enjoyed!!!

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