Little L PT1 (Johnny Joestar)*JoJo's bizarre adventure:Steel ball run*

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A fifty-million dollar cash prize was enough to have anyone sign away their life to a race as daring as the Steel Ball Run but to you it was more the money at the finish line, it was the promise of health and safety to your older brother whose life had been completely changed after miraculously surviving a horrible case of rabies. What made I worse was that your parents had abandoned you both shortly after, they didn't want a son that may have been quadriplegic for the rest of his life and they surely didn't want a daughter that had a weird eye deformity that made your irises have strange white specks in them. The money was the only way that you believed that you would be able to provide for the two of you. So you brought a horse from a farmer you knew near by. A dark stallion which you named Cosmic girl and then you registered for the Steel Ball Run.


"Hey (Y/n), look at this guy!" One of the others contestants said as he nudged you while pointing the scene in front. A man was being dragged around the paddock by a horse as he clung on for dear life.
"What the hell is he thinking? He's gonna get himself killed!" You nearly yelled as you started pushing through the crowd in front of you. You gasped in horror as you saw a large piece wood go straight through his leg, but yet this didn't stop him. You hopped over the fence and slowly walked along the edge of the pen. The horse noticed you and slowed down and paced towards you. You held your hand up to it's snout, you felt it take in your scent before lowering it's head as a sign of loyalty.

"I could have gotten on her just fine without your assistance!" The blonde haired male hissed at you.
"Obviously not if you have a large splinter of wood jammed in your leg" you spat. He turned his head behind to look at his leg and sure enough he saw it. You questioned how he wasn't feeling that, surly that must of hurt.
"How are you not feeling that?" You asked, he only gave you a death glare before responding.
"Is that any of your concern!" His voice was filled with anger. This guy was a total jerk but you still wanted to help him for some reason. You held out your hand for him but he simply slapped it away.

"What kind of sick fucking joke are you pulling" he hissed.
"I'm try to help you!" you yelled at him.
"I don't need your charity you star eyed fuckwad!" He screamed before crawling away.
"A cripple has no reason to be here"
"That's Johnny Joestar, he use to be a pretty amazing jockey awhile ago..."
"But after the incident... Well... You know"
"He probably entered to make some big comeback"
"But it's pretty stupid, I bet he won't even survive the first section" the voices muttered in the background and that's when it all started to link up. You began to feel a idiot for holding out your hand when he couldn't even stand himself but it also explained why he was so quick tempered. You just hoped that you could make things up to him.


You looked at the leaderboard for the first section with a small smile of content on your face. Since Gyro had been disqualified you had slipped into a cosy sixth place, of course it's wasn't the first place that you had been training for but it was a start.
"Move it shortie!" You heard an British accent say as you were pushed aside. He let out hiss in disgust as he saw himself at third place.
"What was that for?" you yelled at him.
"You didn't get out of my way" he bluntly stated as he turned to face you. It was Diego Brando, AKA the prince of British horse racing, total arrogant prick. He shoved past you again as he walked away.

"Fucking twat!" You yelled at him while mimicking the British accent. He stopped and turned back again.
"What was that?" he hissed.
"You heard her you wanker" another mocking British accent chimed in beside you. You looked to see Johnny in his wheelchair beside you.
Diego scoffed.

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