(Y!MXF!R)A slave to fate(Bruno Bucciarati)*JoJo'sBizarreAdventures:VentoAureo*

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Life had never been on your side. Living in the gangster capital of Italy made it hard for people to live with the temptations of drugs and sex, and unfortunately your parents were two of the many that died due to the temptations of this sinful city, and you had to pay their price now. You were Gangster property now and you knew that you would never escape this brutal lifestyle alive.

You were currently in a public bathroom fixing up your make up.
"Just what I needed darling" you heard your satisfied customer slur as he left. A shiver in disgust went down your spine, you could still taste him.
"God, I need a fucking drink" you mumbled to yourself as you walked out and started counting you're newly earned and filthy money.
"€145, I could spare a bit for a cola" you said to yourself as you walked to a vending machine and put in the required money and the cold beverage rolled out. You picked it up and twisted the cap, which let out a satisfying crack. Without hesitation you started to quickly gulp it down, the sweet bubbly beverage was bliss to your taste buds and the horrible bittersweet taste disappeared from your mouth.

Your job was not even close to done for tonight as if you came back with that much, it was sure that you would pay the price. You walked across the city, looking for an area to post at but sadly all of the hotspots had been taken. So you were left to post at a park. You wondered around hoping to find a potential customer.

It wasn't to long before you spotted a man heading your way so you gathered all of the nonexistent courage you had and spoke in your sweetest voice.
"Hello, are you lost, do you need any help" you said to him. God you felt ashamed of yourself, you felt your fake smile twitching.
"Get fucked you whore, I don't need your sex work" he spat at you before walking off. You sighed, tonight wasn't your night. You continued to walk around until you found a beautiful rose bush, it looked just like the ones that grandma used to have. You lifted one of the roses to your nose before inhaling it's sweet aroma, it was just like your mothers perfume. The scent carried you on a journey of nostalgia, but a voice quickly tore you mind back into reality.
"Never thought I'd see a prostitute admiring the landscape" the male voice said. You turned your head to the side to see the man behind you. He was a young man, around his early 20s. He had blue eyes and short black hair that was styled in an elegant bob, clipped by two gold pins and a braid across his hairs parting. His he wore a white suit with black pin design on it. Along with the insane amount of zippers. It also showed a lot of his bare chest, which was covered in tattoos. If his clothes had told you anything it was that he was filthy rich.
"Well you know what they say, take time to smell the roses" you lightly giggled to ease yourself.
"Your definitely not like the other, there's something different with you compared to other prostitutes I've met" he said as he walked closer to you.
"How so?"
"I don't know, you don't really suit being a prostitute... You're just too honest, your face doesn't hide how you feel" he said.
"Well that's just been me, I've been a honest person my whole life" you replied.
"Can we take this chat to a café perhaps?" He asked you.
"Yes I don't mind" you said as you began to follow him.

After 15 minutes or so, you both had arrived at a small café. You both sat down at a table on the second story.
"I'm sorry that I didn't ask you earlier for your name" he apologized.
"It's alright. My name is (Y/N)" you said.
"Is that your work name?" He asked you.
"No it's my real name, I don't really have a work name, but a lot of the girls I work with call me Roxanne"
"Well it seem only appropriate then that I tell you my name, my name is Bruno"
"Well it's a pleasure meeting you Bruno" you said as you both shook hands.
"I've been trying to stop myself from asking you this but why are you working as a prostitute? It doesn't suit you at all, you deserve better then that" he asked you. You didn't reply to his question.
"OK, I understand if you don't want to talk about it"

You both continued chatting about normal thing for what seemed like forever a lady came to take drink orders. "(Y/N), you can order anything to drink, I'll pay" he offered you. You gave his a slightly sceptical look.
"How do I know your not trying to scam me?"
"Trust me, I'd never scam a woman. Only low lives do that"
"OK, I believe you" you said before ordering a drink. The conversion that you both had to lasted around 2 hour before you had to leave.

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