(Y/FxF/R)No Cure To Madness(mastermind!Mikan)*SuperDangenronpa2:goodbye despair*

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*Updated 13th of march 2018
The drawing is mine I hope you like it.*

'Poor poor (f/n)' Mikan thought while looking through your medical records.
Muscular defects
Cardiovascular disease
Ect..." she listed.
"Well at least I have suitable donors" she said while looking at the photo of you beside her...

When Mikan had first seen you she had felt as if her heart had become a steam engine, beating and beating to the point where she had almost had a heart attack. You were beautiful. When she had found out about your medical conditions she couldn't help but admire your determination, it had made her fall in love with you even more but not being able to show you her feelings to you drove her into the depths of despair.

Lucky for her she had already taken over Junko's position... she had found out most of her unforfilled plans.

Her plan was perfect... she would host the next killing games, full of worthy donors for you.

Class trial

"Nagito stop playing with us, what do you know!" Hajime yelled at the deranged boy.
"I only know as much as you guys know on this" Nagito laughed.
"why don't you just give up you low scum!" Akane yelled. Nagito grabbed out a pistol from his pocket and waved it around.
"Dude, where did you get that thing, put it down..." Kazuichi panicked.
"How much despair is filling this room right now? lets lighten things up a little" he said moving the pistol around the room, pointing it at every person in the room.
"Monokuma... this isn't allowed, right!" Kazuichi yelled at the psychotic toy bear but everyone looked at the chair that Monokuma usually sits on but he wasn't there.
This was it... Nagito had officially lost his marbles. Now it was a game of 'who is Nagito gonna kill'. right now would be the perfect time to cue some game show music and wait for the gun to fire. He then pointed the gun at you your heart began to beat rapidly and you started to feel dizzy.
"Tragic" he said before pulling the trigger.

*Thump**Thump* *Thump* *Thump* ... *Thump* ... *Thump*...

You woke up in the infirmary. You tried to sit up but you felt a painful throbbing in your right arm.
"No (f/n) don't move" Mikan said running up to you.
"What happened? " you asked her while looking at your right arm which was wrapped in a bandage.
"Nagito shot you... luckily he missed your vital parts but that wound will need to be sterilized two times a day for two weeks" the shy brunette nurse explained.
"That's good I guess" you said
"Thank you Mikan, what would I do without you" you thanked her making her slightly blush.
"it's not a problem (f/n)... It's a pleasure to help you" she mumbled.

"Now your arm is not what concerns me... it's your heart. You had a cardiac arrest during the class trial" she stated.
"Can you explain that again?" you asked.
"You had a mild heart attack... I did some tests while you were asleep and I've discovered several holes in your heart... the only way I can help you would be a heart transplant... but this island doesn't have any contact with the rest of the world... I'm really sorry" Mikan bursted into tears.
"I can never do anything right... I'm pathetic" she murmured. You couldn't stand to hear her self loathing, in your eyes she was an amazing person that devoted her life to a worthy cause.

You wrapped your arms around her.
"Don't say that Mikan. That's not true, your amazing... I look up to you... if you weren't around I would be dead" you told her while hugging her.
"Really... you really think so?" she shuddered obviously not use to being hugged.
"I don't think so... I know so" you said as you felt her arms wrap around you, she was hugging you like a stuffed animal and she buried her face in your chest.

"You... your..." she was interpreted by the ultimate musician, Ibuki walking in. She saw you two hugging and ran up to you both.
"Hell Yeah! Group hug!" Ibuki yelled joining in on the hug. You could tell this made Mikan uncomfortable.
"It's so great that you're alright, I thought you were a goner" Ibuki pulled you into a bear hug. Mikan then aggressively pushed Ibuki away from you.
"Get your hands off of her! She could have another heart attack!" Mikan yelled at Ibuki. Ibuki gave a shocked look.
"I'm sorry, I just need to make sure (f/n) is ok" she apologized to Ibuki.
"Ok I'll leave you two alone~. See ya (f/n)" she yelled, giving you a wink before exiting.
"(f/n) from now on I want you to stay around me... I need to be near you at all times" Mikan said to you in a stern tone.

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