(Y!M X F!R) Beloved student (Hiyama Kiyoteru) *Vocaloid*

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You had attended a joint school that had facilities for all school stages ever since you had started school and Hiyama Kiyoteru had always been your music teacher, ever since grade school.

He knew of you shyness and had always encouraged you to embrace your musical side. Eventually he was able to get you to perform, which you were always grateful for. Over the years you became very close to him, maybe even in a friendly way but you never had any romantic attractions to him. On the over hand he had very much fallen in love with you, everything about you fascinated him. Your silky hair, your vibrant eyes and that voice of yours... Was like an angel's. At first he tried to dismiss the thought of having an attraction to his student, but as time passed and puberty had hit, it had become harder to simply sweep his feeling under the carpet. He had become very bisect and believe that you were better the any other student. The worse was the lingering urges that drilled into the back of his mind, those dark and perverse thoughts that he desperately tried to contain.

You sat in the music room waiting for Kiyoteru, today was you weekly tutoring lesson with him. You were uneasy as you could help but feel disappointed with your efforts in the talent show, only getting 2nd place to Alice and the bitches. She pissed you off beyond compare, she was smart, rich, social and beautiful. With her emerald green eyes, her fair skin and her long brown hair that was always tied into a ponytail with a bow. You had become caught up with all your though and hadn't realized that Kiyoteru had walked in.

"Don't let it get to you (Y/N), they rigged the competition" Kiyoteru said to you in a relaxed tone as he tapped his pen on your desk. Truth was he was far from relaxed, his blood was boiling from the fact that Alice and her little sailor dressed sluts stole your spotlight, they threw you off of the 1st place you deserved but what was he angry about what he had already solved.
"Now (Y/N), let's get this lesson started shall we" he said as he fixed his glasses.

After the lesson had ended you opened the door to see the unexpected stormy weather outside, your umbrella wasn't going to survive in the horrid weather.
"(Y/N)" Kiyoteru said while grabbing your shoulder.
"I can't have you walking home in this weather, let me drive you home" he continued. Most would think that this offer was seedy but this wasn't the first time, commonly he would drive you home in this weather and out of all the previous times nothing bad had happened.
"Thank you sir" you said as you both bolted into the rain to get to his car.

Now sitting in his black Misaidi's Benz looking out the window at the stormy weather outside. Everything was quite until he spoke.
"I'm running low on fuel I'm just going to fill up at the service station, OK?" He explained.
"That's alright" you said.

Soon enough you had reached the service station, he quickly filled up and walked inside to pay. What was meant to be seconds became a minute or two before he finally came back to the car with two coffee cups in hand.
"Here, I got you a hot chocolate to warm you up" he said as he gave you one of the cups with a sweet smile on his face.
"Sir... You really didn't have to get me a drink" you said as you handed him the cup back.
"Nonsense! I do, I can't just not give a gift to the school's most talent singer!" He said gleefully as he gave you back the cup. You felt your face go red as he said that.
"Thank you" you said before you began to drink it.

You and him began to talk about normal things but as the time passed you become tired and eventually fell asleep, just as he had planned. With a dark glint in his eyes as he began his journey to the special place that he would hide away with you.

A few hours later you woke up. You couldn't see, couldn't talk, couldn't move. You tried to quickly piece together what was going on. You were gagged, blindfolded and restrained to a chair. What had happened. Last thing you could remember was being in Kiyoteru's car. Did he get carjacked? were you taken as prisoner? Were you being held by a gang!

You suddenly heard a pair of loud echoing foot steps approaching you. You started to struggle from your restraints instantly and let out muffled screams.

"Oh (Y/N), don't panic... I won't hurt you... Unless. You try anything I don't like" you heard a familiar voice trying to calm you and that was the voice of Hiyama Kiyoteru. You tried to speak but all the words that came out were a muffled mess.

The footsteps continued until you were dead certain that whoever it was, was right front of you. They the took of your blindfold and to your shock Kiyoteru was covered in a familiar dark red liquid, blood.
"O dear don't be scared, I won't hurt you" he said as he placed a cold blood cover hand on your cheek. You looked past him to see your  surroundings. An old theater, unfamiliar to you.
"You must be so confused, Right? Well allow me to explain..." He said as the curtains opened, showing you the most horrific sight imaginable. Alice and all of her bitchy friends all strung up on a stage set boat. All were dismembered beyond belief, the only one that was alive was Alice herself. Chained to the front like a front piece, mouth gagged shut. She gave you a shocked yet confused glance.

"You see my precious little (Y/N)... I couldn't allow them to get away with disgracing you my lovely little angel, so I had to eliminate them" he cooed to you before taking your gag off and forcing you into a passionate kiss, you were in utter shock. You tried to resist him but he was to overpowering.

After what seemed like forever he finally let you breath.
"You... You sicko! Why me! I'm you're fucking student! You're a fucking murderer! Get away from me!" You screamed at him. He remained calm before pulling out a pistol and pointing it at Alice. By the time you could say anything, he pulled the trigger. You closed your eyes as the gunshot resonated throughout the room. You felt guilt wash over you like a tsunami, even if they were all bitches to you, they still did not deserve to have their lives taken away in such a horrific manner. You wouldn't have even wished for this upon your worsted enemy.
"Why...Why..." You mumbled.
"Because you are my one and only" he cooed as he traced his finger across your upper thigh, sending a shiver down your spine.
"No, I'm not. We have an 14 year gap between us and you could find someone much better then me. Please let me go Kiyoteru... I won't say a word about this, I won't tell the police, we can both just continue with our normal lives" you pleaded to him with tears forming in your (E/C) eyes, he just gave you a stony glare.

"No! I refuse to let you go! I don't care about the age difference! I've craved you for as long I've known you" he said as he shook you violently.
"Now please... Tell me you love me" he said is a sickeningly sweet voice.
"Never! I'd rather die then be with a sick pedophile like you!" You screamed. He then pointed the gun to your head as he gave you a psychotic smile before he began to laugh like a maniac.
"Well if I can't have you then no one can" he said.
"Well I hope you enjoy your life in hell"you spat
"At least you'll be there with me, you'll never escape" he sung maniacally before he pulled the trigger.

*1373 words*
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while... Kh feels, my poor sick chicken  Raven and ninety nine nights has prevented me from being online...

Fun fact: I strangely wrote this chapter listening to 'Before the  world dies' by shady cicada and Static lullaby's cover of 'Toxic'... Cos I have hidden love for metal and alternative music...

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