Regret (PB Dio)

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"Harold! Where are you going!" You yelled as you chased your twelve year old brother though the stormy cold night

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"Harold! Where are you going!" You yelled as you chased your twelve year old brother though the stormy cold night.
"I'm looking for mother" he responded, clenching onto his blanket as he began to cough.
"Don't be ridiculous, you going to make your condition worse if you keep this up" you scolded.
"I'm sure mother's fine, she's probably looking for the medicine you need" you reasoned but you had your doubts about what you were saying, knowing about all of the recent Jack the ripper murders it was hard to not worry.

Your brother turned a corner and disappeared from sight, when you turned the corner you saw your brother in the arms of a cloaked figure.
"Why would two young children be outside at this hour?" The figure asked in deep masculine voice.
"I am no child, we were looking for our mother" you responded, the figure let out a small chuckle.
"What's so funny about that?" You snarled as you looked into the tall figures amber eyes but he gave you no response.
"Now would you please let my brother go!" You asked.
"And what if I don't?" He smugly responded, you knew you couldn't threaten the male but you weren't just going to play a docile role in front of him. You tried to speak but words just couldn't come out. Then you heard your brother scream as the man dug his fingers under his skin.
"Stop! What are you doing?!" You screamed as you watched your brother flailing in the man's grip in pain causing the man's hood to fall, his face severely burnt but healing at an almost inhuman speed and in that moment you realised what he was, and what would become of you brother if you didn't do something fast.
"Please leave my brother alone, I'll do anything just please stop it!" you screamed as you tried to pry your pale, almost unconscious brother out of his grasp. The man pulled his hand away from his neck before looking you up and down. In most cases he wouldn't even care about such words but how you said it was entirely different, it was absolutely genuine.

A small smile curved on his lips, he wanted to see just how this little situation played out.
"Anything? Even if it meant serving me for the rest of you life?" He asked as his bloodied hand pushed your chin up, forcing you to look into his eyes.

A lump grew in your throat as he mentioned his proposal. You didn't want to become the slave of a blood thirsty vampire but if you didn't your brother would be killed.
"Yes, I'm willing to do absolutely anything if it means my brother will be safe" you spoke in a stern tone.
"Then a deal it is" he smugly responded as he dropped you brother's unconscious body to the floor and you picked him up, cradling him in your arms.
"But if you don't show your worth as a servant then I'll just kill you both" was the last thing the man said before knocking you out.


You woke up to your body being violently shaken.
"(Y/n) where are we?" your brother asked with fear in his voice. Your memories of last night flooded your brain causing your stomach to churn at the realisation of what had happened. You sat up from the bed, your breath was heavy and uneven as panic settled in. You looked at the last sliver of the evening sun disappearing from the sky though the small window.

Your brother looked at you in hopes for an answer, your mouth was dry and your palms were sweaty. You didn't know how to tell him what had happened. You were about to speak before a familiar voice cut you off.
"Your big sister made a deal with me, she sacrificed her own freedom to save you" the male said as he walked into the room, his face almost completely healed. His blonde hair draped just past his broad shoulders, his amber eyes framed by thick eyelashes.
"(Y/n)... is this true?" your brother stuttered as an expression of shock was carved on his features. You let out a deep sigh, looking at him with a remorseful expression before nodding.

You felt like someone stood on your grave when you saw the man's inpatient glare towards you.
"Harold, can you please give us some time alone..." You mumbled.
"No!" He defiantly yelled.
"I'm not just going to let you sell your soul to some monster!" He continued.
"Harold you are only making things worse right now so get out now!" You yelled at him. His face wrinkled in frustration as he hopped off the bed and walked out.

"I think he's taken the situation well" the blonde said with a smirk on his face as he strode up to you. You didn't respond.
"I must say that (Y/n) is such a cute name, it suits you very well" he cooed as he sat next to you.
"I never got to know your name" you said to him. He glared daggers at you as you spoke.
"Master..." You corrected yourself making his gaze soften.
"Dio" he responded as he leaned towards you and pushing your hair away from your tender neck before pouncing on you like a savage predator feasting upon it's prey.

You clung onto the bed sheets as his fangs dug into your skin. You let out a scream as you felt the pain consume your body. He greedy lapped up your blood, a sense of euthoria taking over him as he tasted the divine  metallic liquid that oozed out of you.

You felt yourself becoming dizzy as you lost more and more blood. You placed one of your hands over his shoulder and squeezed it, trying to indicate that you were on the verge of blacking out. He pulled away and looked down at your frail form, your dazed expression. It all seemed to throw his senses into overdrive, intoxicated on lustful desires. He just couldn't keep his hands off of you and you could do nothing.


Day after day your brother watched your health deteriorate, until it was worse then his.
"(Y/n) you need to leave!" He said as you eyes struggled to stay open. You were lucky that Dio was prowling the dark streets of London, in search of more that would become part of his undead army.
"No... If I do... He'll kill you" you only just managed to say.
"I... I don't want to lose you, too" you said as tears streamed down your face. He clung to your cold, pale hand.
"This isn't about me anymore, if you let him keep doing this... You'll die, at least if we run away we have a chance of surviving" he argued, only to realise that you had fallen to sleep.
"(Y/n) please wake up!" He stage whispered as he shook you but you didn't respond.

Harold sighed before turning to leave, only to find Dio standing by the door.
"So your attempting an escape..." He said in a cold tone.
"I can't have you put her through all of this pain day after day!" He protested, if David beat Galih then surely he had some chance to save you, but this was no David and Galih story, or any righteousness always overcomes evil story.

"I should of killed you when I had the chance" Dio snarled as he gripped the young boy by the neck.
"I think I have the perfect way of getting rid of a pest like you now actually" he smirked.
"But I'll just wait until your dear sister wakes up, it'll make it all the more exciting" he continued.


You woke up and sat up for a bit realising that your brother had a point, at this point you knew that Dio always found a loophole in every promise he made. One you were dead he'd probably spare no moment in killing your brother. You made up your mind, you and your brother had to escape.

You walked into Harold's room only to find that he wasn't there.
"Harold now's not the time for games" you called but still no response. You hurried around the castle but there was no sign of him. You walked into the throne room where Dio was reading a book.
"Oh (Y/n), you've recovered so quickly" he coed as he put his book down and gestured you to sit on his lap. You knew from his tone he was hiding something from you.

"Master Dio, where is my brother?" You asked as you complied with his gesture.
"Do you really want to know?" He asked you. You felt a shiver down your spine as he said that, noticing this he wrapped an arm around your waist.
"I'm not letting him get away so easily for planning to steal my prized possession" he continued as you saw your brother's zombified body shuffle into view, a grin formed on the blondes face as he heard your sobs and watched the tears that rolled down your cheeks.
"I think it's nice that your brother can be with your mother once again" he chuckled.
"No... You... You didn't" you tried to speak without breaking down.
"I did my sweet" he cooed as pulled your chin up to make you look at him.
"I don't think you understand yet... But ultimately I'm the one that decides what happens, you have no choice in what I do... If anything I have your very will in my hands, I can do whatever I want with you" he explained before biting down on your neck.

*1629 words*

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