🎃♀️Confessions(Vampire Risotto Nero)

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Every day you served the as a nun of a church that was surrounded by an ominous forest. A place that had become almost void of any human interaction. However occasionally people would come for gods help, and you as well as the others would give them the advice they seeked but it seemed that as of recently some kind of omen was cast upon the church. Countless dead bodies had been found in the forest and the priest had gone to hospital after falling gravely ill with a low chance of recovering.

You walked to the entrance before seeing a line of salt across the entrance way as well as garlic hung on the handles.
"Sister Margaret, why do you keep wasting our garlic and salt!" you called with slight annoyance.
"I don't want the vampires getting in" she replied. You scoffed, you didn't believe in those myths so you simply swept the salt and took down the garlic.
'Sister Margaret's age is finally getting to her' you thought as you exited.

The cold wind blew thought the forest and the sky was decorated by an array of stars. You walked towards the graveyard and began delivering you prayers to the dead unaware of the presence that loomed around you.

For the tall, albino male this had become part of his nocturnal routine for the past year. At first you were merely another human he wished to feast upon but over time your presence became more of a comfort, your form attracted him in such a way. He longed to wrap his arms around you and tangle his hands through your hair, as well as many other things. The temptations threatened to consume him.

As you paid your respects to the dead he approached you silently. To his surprise you turned your head and smiled, almost as if you had been expecting him.
"Hello, Are you lost sir?" You asked him as you stood up.
"No I came here to confess" he said while flicking a few strands of his white hair out of his face.
"Well I'm afraid to disappoint you but our priest is Ill and is unable to fulfill his duties" you replied. He simply let out a sigh an he began to walk away.
"But... If it is urgent I can listen in place of the priest" you said, urging him not to leave but he continued.
"Or at least allow me to give you a place to stay for the night!" You yelled in desperation because you knew if something had happened to him it would haunt you for the rest of your days.

for a moment he smiled before turning back, that was exactly what he had hoped for.
"That would be appreciated" he said as you began to guide him the guest lodge that stood close to the church.

"I can't let you into the church right now but feel free to stay in one of the guest rooms until then" you explained as unlocked the door.
"Why would that be?" he asked in curiosity.
"Bad omens are have been happening all around the church, so the nuns are having a mass prayer to try and cleanse the area of evil" you explained.
"I would be there too but as the youngest of the nuns I must keep watch for travelers such as yourself" you continued as you opened the door.
"Now I'm sure you must be exhausted" you said as you pull his trench coat off, only to realise he had no shirt on, a light blush began to form on your cheeks.
"If you want a bath or shower let me know so I can start the furnace and I'll get you a spare pair of clothes, ok?" You said.
"Yes I will" he responded.
"Ok then I'll show you to your room" you said as you showed him to the first room.
"I'll let you settle here for now, if you need anything just ring the bell by your bedside" you continued before leaving.

He sat on the side of the bed, analysing every detail of the room. A cold one covered in stone with no window in sight with small pieces of biblical paintings scattered throughout.

After a few minutes he grew restless and stood up and left the room, the building was quiet and dark, the only form of light being a line of candles. It seemed like you were the only one besides him that was in this building.


You felt a chill go down your spine as you returned to the guest room with a pair of clothes. You knocked on the door a couple of times but you received no awnser. You turned around only to bump into the tall man, his red eyes pricing through the black sclera bored into your very soul. You couldn't judge this male souly on his appearance, after all he came here to find peace through God, right?
"Sir I brought you some clothes" you said as you held out the garments of clothing to him.
"I got the largest size so hopefully they'll fit" you continued but he didn't move, his masculine form unintentionally caging your smaller form.
"I never asked for your name..." He murmured in a sultry tone. He tried to hold himself back from doing anything to you but the glint of fear in your eyes was just so tempting.
"I'm Sister (Y/n)... What is yours?" You muttered, his lips curled into a small smile.
"Risotto" he said before tapping your shoulder lightly, indicating that he wanted to enter his room.

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