⭕Love bites (pt4 Jotaro kujo)

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You sat at your desk, watching all of the students running out of school. It was just another ordinary day as a teacher.

A small smile appeared on your face when you realised what day it was, Friday! You began to pack pack your bag with enthusiasm. For once you would have a whole weekend to yourself with no homework to get in your way.

You walked out the school with ease. A smile grew on your face as you saw a certain flamboyantly dressed teen that was in your homeroom hanging waving goodbye to his friends. His name was Higashikata Josuke, he use to be so shy and unsociable but over the past few months that had changed, he had gotten a growing group of friends lately. You were really happy for him and hoped that things would only get better for him.

"Hey, (L/n)!" A gruff voice called you. It was one of Josuke's Friends, Nijimura Okuyasu if you recalled correctly. From what you heard he wasn't the smartest of students but if something sparked his interest he would put his all towards it.
"Yes Nijimura?" You asked as you looked towards the teens but before he could say anything another male approached, a man in a white coat and cap that you had seen around Marioh cho quite a few time, but had never communicated with.

"Oh Mr Kujo, we didn't expect you to be here" Koichi said as he waved to him.
"Who's this?" Mr Kujo said as glared at you. You felt a sense of unease.
"I'm (F/n) (L/n), it a pleasure to meet you Mr Kujo" you said as you held out your hand and without a word he shook it.
"Their Josuke's homeroom teacher" Koichi explained to him.
"So how are you related to this band of misfits?" You asked him, letting out a chuckle. However he did not respond.
"I guess your not really a talkative guy, huh?" You stated.
"Well I've got to go it was nice meeting you thou " you said as you began to walk off.


Since then you would constantly bump into the green eyed male. At first it seemed to just be a happy coincidence but over time it began to weird you out how often he showed up randomly, then again Marion Cho wasn't a big place.

You had actually gotten to know him more. His first name was Jotaro and he was a marine biologist. You had also learnt that he was Josuke's nephew and that he had been brought up in Japan however he decided to move to Florida in order to pursue his career.

You sighed as you looked at all the tests you had to mark. You then summoned your stand Scissor sisters and used it to make two duplicates of yourself. That arrow may have put you in hospital for a day but you were thankful for the ability of duplication, thou you never let anyone know that you had one.

You all picked up a third of the tests and a pen each. You sat on the lounge, you number two sat at the kitchen bench and number three went to the study and without a word you all started to mark the tests that were due on this Thursday. It seemed like the perfect ability to get out of anything but you knew not to put trust in your copies, each one had a distinguished feature, like one copy may have a mole under their eye while another may have a different nail colour, making your ability a little predictable.

Suddenly you heard a knock on the door and quickly retracted your copies before opening the door to see Jotaro. You were confused, how did he know where you lived? You never told him even thou you'd both become more then just acquaintances. You then thought that maybe he may have encountered one of your copies and they brought him over, that could have been the only way right?

"Oh Mr Kujo, what a surprise" you greeted him.
"I'd prefer if you just called me Jotaro" he said in a slightly bitter tone.
"Sorry Jotaro" you apologized as you guided him to the lounge before going into the kithen.
"Why are all of these test piled all over the place" he asked.
"I find it a lot more manageable to do do small amounts at a time" you responded.
"Would you like some coffee or tea?" You asked him as you put the kettle on.
"Coffee please" he replied as he watched you grab two cups.
"So why did you come over?" You asked him.
"I wanted to tell you something" was all that he'd said. You then decided to sit next to him.
"And what would that be?" You asked, only to be shocked by his answer.
"I think that you and I should start dating" he bluntly said.
You looked at him in shock and disbelief.
"Your joking right?" You asked him but he just gave you that serious look.
"I'm... I'm sorry but I'm not looking for a relationship" you said as you tried to let him down easy. Then muttered under his breath.
"Don't take it personally... You seem like a really nice guy but the idea of a relationship for me is just a little confronting" you explained. Before you could even realise what was happening he was already on-top of you.

"What? Hold on?" You stuttered, unable to form a proper sentence. Your face turned red and you tried to push his hands away but he quickly pinned you down
"Just give me chance" he muttered as he pulled down the collar of your shirt.


You hissed as you looked at the big mark on your neck in the mirror before putting your scarf back on. You just couldn't allow anyone to see it. You kept mumbling to yourself how you could of just let something like that happen to you

You then walked out of the bathroom and into the staff room for lunch.
"Hey (Y/n)" you heard a familiar voice call.
"Oh Jin, how are you?" You asked your colleague.
"Good" he said as he gave you a friendly smile.
"That's good to hear" you replied to him.

For awhile he stood in front of you, trying to say something only to verbally trip over himself over and over again until he finally got his words right.
"(Y/n), we've known each other for a while now... And I was wondering if maybe I could take you out for dinner tonight?" He asked.
"Are you asking me as a date?" You asked as your eyebrow raised.
"Yeah... But if your not comfortable with it we could just go as friends..." He replied.

You thought for a moment. Why were you so against the idea of a relationship. maybe you should try a date or two and see how things would go if you just let someone into your life.

"Ok sure, I think a date wouldn't hurt" you replied to him as you gave him a smile. His eyes lit with joy as he heard you accept. However the bell interrupted you both.
"I'll pick you up at 6 then" he said  before rushing out of the room with a goofy smile on his face. Completely oblivious to the thought that he may not make it to pick you up.


You let out a scream as you watch Jin tumble down the stairs. His body flew down the flight of stairs like a rag doll until he hit the ground.
"Jin" you yell as you went over to his form, the other teacher watch as you placed you hand above his mouth and nose, you felt no breath.
"He's not breathing, he needs CPR now!" You yelled. One of your colleagues quickly ran over and began compressions while another called an ambulance. Luckily Jin had regained consciousness before the ambulance had arrived but you were still worried about how bad his injuries were.

As you walked to your car you felt uneasy, you felt like you were being watched. You turned around and saw nothing, only to bump into someone when you began to walk again.

You looked up to see who you had bumped into, your body went cold as you saw the familiar green eyed male.
"Jo...Jotaro..." You stuttered as you got up.
"This could have all been avoided if you hadn't of worn that stupid scarf" he scolded you in a cold tone. You looked at him confused.
"What are you talking about?" You asked.
"If that bastard had seen that mark then he may of had second thoughts about asking you on a date..." He hissed, his words oozing with jealousy.
"No... You couldn't have" you muttered.
"Take this as a warning..." he said as he knelt down so he could look you straight in the eyes with his cold green ones, clouded by jealousy and greed.

"Don't cover my bite marks. If you do, I might just have to add something more obvious" he spoke to you in a harsh and abrasive tone as he tore your scarf off of your neck.


1554 words

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