🍋 (Y!M) (Sephiroth) Trigger *final fantasy VII*

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Another day in the life of a soldier. Getting prepared for your next mission, which was a small but dangerous operation. One of the military's strongest soldier had gone rouge and it was up to you and a few other highly trained soldiers to find him and kill him.

Who was it? Well his name was known by nearly every soldier, Sephiroth. You had only spent time with him for a few hours in sparring but you definitely knew how strong he was.

"Hey (Y/n), you ready to go?" One of your team members said.
"Yeah, I'm just curious as to why Sephiroth would have gone against us after how well he was treated" you said.
"Well we don't have time to ask questions, we've got to kill him and that's it" he said as he threw you your helmet. You began to check you armour to make sure it wasn't loose before putting your helmet on.


You hopped out of the vehicle.
"So this was the last place he was sighted" you said as you looked around the bare desert like landscape around you.
"Everyone stay on high alert! He's a dangerous opponent" one member of the team yelled as the group nine (including you) slowly advanced into unknown territory.


Day had turned into night and the team had decided to camp out. Sitting around a fire all taking your turns with lookout while the other slept in their tents. Unbeknownst of your targets close proximity.


You woke up to a scream. You quickly hopped out of your tent to see one of the group lying in a pool of blood. You looked to other members before running their body over to find a clean slit across their neck.
"We're under attack!!" You yelled, everyone readied their weapons. You held you gun tightly.
"Show yourself!" You ordered but as soon as you did two more of the group were sliced open, you didn't even see the culprit.

Your heart began to beat rapidly as adrenaline rushed through your veins. You saw a shadow loom over yours as every thing seemed to move in slow motion. You quickly rolled forward and narrowly missed the blade of a sword.

You jumped up to see your opponent and there he was, Sephiroth with three more corpses around him. One of the remaining soldiers ran up to him and attempted to stab him with their dagger. He merely grabbed them and threw them onto the ground, a rock splits their skull open upon impact. You began to panic as the last remaining soldier grabbed out his sword.
"No! Don't do it!" You yelled, but you were to late. He had already suffered his death. Sephiroth just looked at you how ever as his long hair flowed with the light breeze and you noticed one wing behind him that had not been on him in any of your previous encounters.

"Sephiroth... What happened to you?" You stuttered. He didn't reply, instead he began to slowly walk closer to you.
"Stop! Or I'll shot!" You screamed as you aimed your gun at him.
"What ever happened to the sword you use to use?" he simply questioned as he continued to move closer.
"A gun is mighter then a sword" you replied.
"That maybe true but it also depends on who wields it" he said as he stopped.
"And you are in no condition to wield one" he said as he pointed to you. He could see your hands shaking as you held your gun.
"Why would you betray us?" You said as you tried to stop you shaking.

"This world has been polluted by mankind. The savages, the liers, the corrupt. This world was not theirs to rule" he explained as began to walk again.
"So this is all about some resolution that 'humanity is the destroyer of the earth'?" You yelled.
"We may not be the most ethical race... But not everyone in this world is a leech to the this planet!" You screamed as you aimed at him once again readying your finger on the trigger.

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