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"Josuke are you kidding me... You set me up on a blind date are you fucking kidding me!" You yelled at your friend through the phone.
"Hey hey hey, calm down ok. I was just sick of seeing you all cooped up and lonely" he replied, trying to calm you down.
"Yeah thanks for caring but I'm not interested in a relationship and you know I haven't told anyone besides you about you know what yet" you explained to him.

He was the only one who knew about that little dark secret that you had. You were a lesbian and he accepted that because he was in a similar position to you. You didn't want anyone else to know about it though because you were scared about how others would think. Would you get bullied more because of it, having the label 'Dyke' being added to your pre-existing ones 'scrawney' 'geek' 'loner' and so on.

"Well maybe this might help you. It could help bring up some confidence to finally come out besides we can't let those interested people down" he reassured you.
"Like anyone would even want me" you scoffed.
"Don't say that! You have a beautiful personally and as long as you have that love will surely come your way!" He passionately yelled.
"Well I better get going, I've gotta sort out dinner tonight since my mom's out of town for a couple of days. See ya" you said.
"Ok bye, we'll talk about the plans tomorrow" he said before he hung up. You walked into the kitchen and looked in you fridge, there wasn't a lot inside. Half a cabbage, a few beans, half packet of miso paste, a small portion of oyster blade beef, a few potatoes and a half empty bottle of red wine. You could make a casserole for tonight for dinner and do some shopping tomorrow after school.

You started cooking dinner blissfully unaware of the peering eyes that watched you thought out the night. Before going to bed you began to lock up the house when you noticed unfamiliar strands of black hair around the doors but you dismissed it, thinking that the hair might have belonged to one of your mother's friends and you continued to lock up and went to bed.

You woke up to a cold breaze that entered your room, you looked at you alarm. 1:35am. You hopped out of bed and began to track down the source of this strange breaze.

Suddenly, you heard the sound of another pair footsteps. You stopped and so did they.
'god I must just be paranoid' you thought as you sighed. You saw one of the windows open and closed it.
"I must have forgotten this one" you said to yourself before you hopped back into bed and melted back into the inky abyss of sleep.

Throughout the rest of the night you tossed and turned in your sleep, having strange nightmares about being coiled and strangled by masses of long black strands of hair and jumbled voices screaming out.
'do you love me?!'
'i've given you every fibre of my being!'
'if you refuse... Then I'll just have to kill you!!'
'then that way you'll always be with me... As part of my memories'


"Miss (L/N)! I would like it if you could stay awake in my class for once!" The teacher yelled at you as he threw a marker at you head. You bounced up and rubbed where the marker hit you.
"Um... Sorry sir, it's just that numbers tend to send my brain into shutdown" you responded with a light chuckle. He only gave you a death glare.
"Well then... Since you're all refreshed then come up here and Answer what's written on the board"
You looked at the whiteboard and gulped.

47,687.05π x 56,925.03=?

Was the teacher messing with you! How on earth were you going to be able to answer that!?

"Excuse me sir but I would like to answer that for (y/n)" an angelic voice ran throughout the classroom. You looked behind you to find the source of the voice. It was from none other then Yukako Yamigishi herself,  the most beautiful girl at the school, and no she wasn't fashion magazine beauty but something rather the genuine kind of beauty. Long, wavy black hair that looked softer then silk. Fair porcelain skin like that of a dolls and Eyes that shone like amythst stones"

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