♀️Epitaph (Doppio Vinegar) *Drabble*

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The moon illuminated the sky and cicadas chirped though the summer night. In the cemetery was a young man was digging through the metres of dirt that divided him from his one true love.
"(Y/n), don't worry! I'm getting you out of there!"Doppio panted as he shoveled the dirt as fast as he could until he hit something hard. he scrapped away the remaining dirt on coffin and he spared no time in opening it to reveal the the (h/c) haired female who layed patiently.
"I'm so sorry (Y/n), I got here as soon as I could" he apologized as he lifted her body out of the coffin and brushed away the maggots that had started to eat away at her skin.
"You must be so scared, how could they just bury you alive like that" he continued as he hugged her form. In his eyes she was the same as before, he could not see her greyed skin or her sunken glass eyes. He couldn't see  her cut off ears and tonuge or all the bruises or stitches that decorated her body. To him she was still alive.
"Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you again"

Then he began to hear his phone ring. He felt around in his pockets but there was no sign of it and then he looked at the booklet in her hand.
"Oh there it is, thank you dear!" He gushed as he tried to grab it out her dead hands.
"Now's not the time for games, give me the phone" he began to sound irritated as he pried it from her cold hands, breaking several bones in the process before answering the call.
"Doppio, my sweet Doppio... What are you doing?" The familiar voice asked. This voice had always been so calming to him, but now it seemed to cause a burning rage.
"Boss... Why would you do this, why would you have her buried alive!" he hissed.
"She was a distraction" the voice replied.
"Who are you to tell me!" He screamed.
"Doppio, I know what's best for you" the boss lulled
"No! No you don't!" Doppio screamed as he hung up and threw the book on the ground.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n) if I scared you, now let's go home shall we?" He said as he held her body and brought her home.


He woke up in the morning and smiled as he saw his beautiful darling beside him.
"Morning" he sighed as stroked the side of her face.
"Would you like me to make breakfast?" He asked only to here a response that only existed in his delusions.
"Yes of course I'll make you pancakes, I know they're a big favourite of yours" he responded as he got out of bed.

He let out a sigh as he looked at his dirt covered jumper.
"(Y/n), I just realised that we slept in our dirty clothes" he said before letting out a laugh as if she had made a funny joke.
"Do you want to have a bath?" He asked.
"Well of course I'll help you in" he replied as he walked back to her and picked her up and took her to the bathroom before turning on the tap and slowly undressing her.
"You're so beautiful... You know that right?" He said softly before lowering her into the bathtub.
"Are you sure you want me to help you... I mean... I don't want you to think of me as a pervert" he said as he blushed a bright red.
"Alright then..." He said with a flustered chuckle before grabbing a bar of soap before blacking out.

When he regained consciousness the room was a bloody mess and so was his clothes and the axe in hand. He dropped it and looked at (Y/n)'s decapitated head with a haunting expressionless gaze.
"I guess it's time to make breakfast then..." He mumbled in a monotone voice as he picked up her head, as well as any over body parts he could hold on to.


Doppio hummed an ominous tune as he fried up a liver fingers and a heart, occasionally looking back to see if she was still there.
"(Y/n) you've really improved, I remember when we started this relationship... You would always run away from me and now you just can't seem to keep yourself away from me" he giggled as he plated up the cooked organs and fingers.
"I'm sorry I couldn't make you pancakes... It seems that we're out of flour, so we're having this instead"
"I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I will"


786 words

Three chapters uploaded in a day is my early Halloween gift to you all!

Stay spooky and eat candy on this eeriely wonderful time of the year!

To all of you that live in the northern hemisphere rug up and stay warm and to all of you who live in the southern hemisphere (particularly Australia) get on some shorts, a singlet and a pair of thongs on, get a slushie from the servo and have plenty of water!

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