🎃♀️Favours (Yuki otoko Ghiaccio)

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This winter was the coldest you had ever experienced. Blizzards were almost a daily occurrence. Many believed this may have been caused by a Yuki otoko that had appeared in legends, one that your village had given yearly offerings for centuries but had now slowly been fading due to many wars that had occurred.

You were the only remaining tailor in the village. The others had either passed away or joined the military leaving you with the  task of making and mending clothes for the entire village, which had been hard to begin with but over time your skills had improved to the point where your work was highly sort after.

You walked though the deep layers of snow while carrying the large quantities of fabric. Your knee grew weaker with each step and the stinging of small shards of ice in the harsh wind hitting your body. Through the thick clouds you could see the sun slowly settling, you needed to find shelter soon or else you would surely perish.

You looked around the cold tundra that the land had become and to your luck you had found a cave not to far away, hopefully you could make it before the sun completely vanished.


You had arrived with only a few minutes to spare. You grabbed out a lantern, oil and a match from you satchel and lit it. Now with a source of light you made your way deep into the cave before setting everything down and slumped down on the wall, despite the cold, harsh weather outside the cave had a certain warmth to it that made you doze of with no problem. However your peaceful sleep only lasted a few hours.

Your eyes slowly opened as you heard footsteps. You quickly grabbed your knife and slowly approached the source of the noise. You tried to hold back gasp as you saw the white fur covered back of an unfamiliar creature, however despite your attempts it noticed you.

Your body paled as the creature turned to face you. It was only just taller and had a human like posture, fur covered most of its body except for it's face which was like that of a baboon except for a pair of cut horns.

You screamed as it grabbed your free arm. You threw yourself around in a blind fit of terror, accidentally slashing it's face with your knife. It let out a hiss in pain as it let go of you and held it's face.
"Ahh that fucking hurts!" It said with strain in it's masculine voice. You were stuck in awe by the profanity it spoke, little more the fact that it spoke at all.

The creature moved it's hands away from it's face to reveal the large cut down it's face revealing that it was in fact a mask.
"You... You!" It yelled as it took the mask off and threw it at you, revealing it's true features. He looked almost human, except for a few features. Those being his light blue hair, his awfully pale skin, a pair of cut horns and a pair of abnormal canines that grazed his lower lips.
"Do you know how long it took me to make this!" He hissed.
"I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" you apologized to him but he wasn't going to take it.
"'I'm sorry I'm so sorry'. That ain't gonna cut it!" He said as he mimicked your voice.
"Unless you can do something about it sweetie, I'll rip you to shreads!" He yelled as he pointed one of his sharp nails at you.
"I... I could try and fix it..." You stuttered.
"Really?" he said with sarcasm laced in his voice.
"Give me a day and I will fix it, I promise" you said. He gave you a critical look.
"Fine, but if you don't get it done when the sun sets tomorrow" he said before giving you the cut throat signal.
"Until then, your staying where I know you can't leave" he said as he pulled you deeper into the cave by the arm, until you both ended up in a place that was unlike any you had seen before.

A opening in the celling of the cave revealed the bright moon that made the area nearly blinding to be in, a area where thick layers of ice cascaded over crystal formations.
You looked to the sky in awe as the snow seemed like stars falling from the sky.
"What are you looking at he said as he pulled you into a corner before taking off his coat of fur and put it on you, revealing his body draped in multiple yukata some of which you recognised as your own work.
"Are you the Yuki otoko?" You asked him.
"Just go to sleep already, I don't want you falling asleep on the job" he said.

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