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Every person lives a double life. Some display a different persona around different people, sometimes their persona changed with their work.

Melone may have a life beyond that of an assassin but that never seemed to change his actions. No matter what side of him you met he would always deep down be a sick, depraved and paraphilic individual. It wasn't like he could just change his thought process after the job was done. However he still just managed to live among the rest of society and blend into the crowd.


You were nothing special. You were just another struggling waitress that was only just above water. You had dreamed of being an actress however you managed to screw up when you performed for a production in middle school. All that you could say was there was a lose board on the stage and a large cluster of arachnid nests... However things had gone a little differently for a close friend from high school Andrew Prince, who was now a costume and prop maker as well as a make up artist for the big Italian movie productions.

Today was just another tiresome day. Bringing plates and glasses back and forth while also juggling complex orders from multiple patrons and with three of your fellow waiters and waitresses off work due to 'illness' didn't make things any better. You let out a sigh of relief as the lunch time chaos had ended and the numbers of customers declined but one of the few that had walked in had caught your attention, you remembered this man's wavy light brown hair, his jet black eyes and you couldn't mistake that Gucci handbag. It was Andrew Prince himself.
"O my God Andrew it's you" you squealed as you pulled him in for a hug.
"(Y/n) I didn't expect to see you!" He stuttered in shock
"What are you doing here?" He asked as he looked at your uniform.
"Oh no don't tell me your working here" he gasped.
"Maybe we could catch up later when I finish my shift" you said as he sat down at one of the nearby tables.
"Sure, so what time do you finish?" He asked.
"5pm" you answered. He looked at his expensive watch before replying.
"Sound good for me, I'll just grab a coffee and some cake while I wait"
"Just wave me over when you make up your mind" you said as you handed him a menu.
"Sure will"

So time went on, he ordered you served him his coffee and cake, everything was normal. You watched the clock tick by.
Four o'clock struck and the place had almost been empty. The bell rang to signal your attention to the door once more.
A tall blonde haired male walked in wearing a pair of black dress pants, a white dress shirt with a loose dark Gray cardigan over it. His long hair flowed in the small amount of breeze that passed the door. His blue eyes locked onto yours for a matter of seconds before he took a seat and looked at the menu. He looked at the menu for not even a minute before placing it down. You walked up to him.
"Good afternoon sir, are you ready to order?" You asked as you gave him a smile, he gave you a small smile in return before replying.
"Yes I have, I just want a Vienna" he responded.
"Ok I'll need right on it" you said before going to the barista and giving them the order.

You walked back to Andrew's table to grab the plate.
"I think that guy likes you" he whispered in a sly tone.
"What? No..." You replied.
"Yes, I see how he's looking at you" he said in a smug tone.
"Come on take a chance, what's the worst that could happen?" He continued.
"Your right..." You mumbled.
"Then go! Get his number!" He stage whispered.

You got the blonde males drink and brought it to him.
"Here's your Vienna" you said as you placed the cup down.
"Thank you" he said with a smile.
"Umm I know I shouldn't be saying this while working..." You began.
"I don't mind, please continue~" he cooed while giving you a devilish grin, you felt your chest tighten and you whole body heat up.
"I was wondering if I could have your number?" you asked. He grin became even more suductive as he grabbed out a pen.
"But of course my darling (Y/n)" he replied which at first frightened you a little, until you remembered that you were wearing a name badge. He began scribbling down his number on a clean napkin before handing it to you.
"The name's Melone by the way" he stated as he gave you a wink. If looks could kill then this man had just made you have a heat stroke.

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