Subtraction (Narancia Ghriga)

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This was made with a writing prompt

You looked at the text on your phone to see if you were at the right address and you were

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You looked at the text on your phone to see if you were at the right address and you were. You were honestly a little shocked how could you have ever been chosen as a tutor for a household as extravagant as this. You felt a lump grow in your throat as you walked closer to the door. You had absolutely no idea who you were dealing with. Today was going to be you first meeting with the child you would be tutoring.

Why were you tutoring? Because you needed to make a few extra dollars while you were in university, so you had placed numerous posters out advertising yourself as a tutor for children from six years old to thirteen years old. For weeks you hadn't gotten a single call about it until yesterday and thus is why you were here now.

You stood in front of the door, you brought your hand up to the door but you just couldn't knock it.
'God (Y/n) what are you so worried about!' You mentally screamed before bringing yourself to knock the door.

It seemed like only a second before the door was opened.
"You must be (Y/n)" a voice not belonging to the man that called you said. The voice belonged to an albino male who wore a red suit.
"Yes I am, and who may you be?" You asked him.
"I'm Pannacotta Fugo, Narancia's old tutor" he snarled as he rolled his eyes.
"Oh" you mumbled. As you stepped inside.
"So how is Narancia? Just so I know what I'm getting myself into" you asked with a wry smile.
"He's claims that he wants to learn but he never puts any effort into his learning" he huffed.
"Well I'm sure that with the right approach he'll learn" you said, trying to keep an optimistic view.
"Who are you to tell me that I haven't been trying!" He snarled at you.
"I'm not saying anything like that" You squeaked as you backed away from the platinum blonde male.

"Who the hell's this?" A ravenette teen asked as he approached you both. You were a little confused by their appearance, some of their features were very feminine while others were more masculine.
"My name is (Y/n), I'm here to tutor Narancia" you said. The teen pulled an expression of disgust.
"Ugh I've had enough of all of this tutoring" he groaned.
"Umm could I talk to the head of the household" you asked Fugo.

"I know he isn't in the year range you advertised but I'm sure that you'll have no problem tutoring him" a voice familiar to the man who called you said. You turned around to see a tall male in a white suit and short black hair.
"I'm sorry but... I only have worksheets from grade one to seven" you replied.
"Narancia, Fugo. Could you please leave me to talk to (Y/n) for a moment" he asked and the two teens left without a word.

"I understand that you only work with primary grade students but Narancia hasn't attended school for a majority of his life, I will admit he isn't the brightest and he acts rather childish" he began to explain.
"I've come to realise that Fugo might not have the right approach to teaching him, that's why I called you" he continued.
"I will pay you extra for the trouble if that's what you want" he said before you even had a chance to speak.
"I don't want to sound greedy or rude but how much more are you talking about?" You asked.
"An extra €50 for each lesson"
"I'll take it" you said as you walked to a large table before taking a sheet out of your bag.
"Narancia you can come back" the male called.

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